Submitted by: Diann Stevens Guyer on Nov 11, 2019
Ivy went for her 1st pheasant hunt last Sunday, we didn’t get on any birds because there was too much corn in yet where we were hunting, but she did great quartering in front of us, listened well and could smell where the birds had been, she did great !!! Thank you again, she is doing great being a spoiled indoor dog and we all love her very much.
Submitted by: Bob Rowles on Nov 11, 2019
Had to let you know how Porter is doing. This is his third season and man did he come out strong! He has ran down birds that would have been lost without him, and this past weekend he got me a rooster that I didn't shoot, somebody else winged him and Porter flushed him and ran him down 150 yards through waist high thick grass. He also did the same for one that I winged earlier. Got me my first limit of birds since starting back up four years ago. Had to take him to Lost Cabin to visit with the girls for a reward since we were done early. The guys I hunted with in the resident season loved hunting with him and commented numerous times how good he has become. He has become an awesome dog.
Submitted by: Brent Mannes on Nov 11, 2019
Terry & Tracey, wanted to update you on Ace. He's a little cuddle muffin who's fit into our family perfectly. And.... he's definitely discovered his special purpose. He REALLY hunts well for a puppy. Got his 1st public land limit yesterday. Couldn't be happier!
Submitted by: Jeff Andruczyk on Oct 18, 2019
Hi Terry! Shout out from New Jersey. Our Libby girl turned 9 today! What a good hunter and healthy dog! tTied to send you a photo but couldn't through Facebook. tTanks for a kick ass friend in the field.
Submitted by: Matt Borst on Sep 11, 2018
Piper had her first find on wild grouse the other day here in Wyoming. The bird moved off and she held tight. I am sending a short video. She is going nuts over birds now! We have a fair amount of grouse so she is getting to work at least once a day. Of course some are runners.
Submitted by: Erryn Meyerink on Sep 11, 2018
Our little girl has adjusted so well, and we're loving having her here. She's so smart!!! We just want to say thank you guys - we couldn't be happier with our Mia (Officially Oh Mama Mia Ten Bar Ranch).
Submitted by: Aaron Chohon on Aug 30, 2018
Duke out of Loki and Jake has got drive like you wouldn’t believe and has a nose that’s unbelievable! And to add to the bragging rights for ya, two weeks ago I was in a BDC event here in O’Neill and Duke would’ve won if I would’ve shot straight, he had all the birds up in 4:30, leading was 4:38 but I missed the last bird, he’s 8 months old now and is competing with seasoned dogs
I’m not being boastful I’m just saying that your dogs bloodlines are worth the pennies if a guy wants a dog that’ll hunt
Submitted by: Katie DeLorenzo on Aug 20, 2018
We recently picked up a male puppy from the Loki x Jake litter and could not be happier. Many years ago my dad had a springer and he has wanted another dog for a while but was extremely picky about the hunting ability and look. After half a year reviewing different breeders and looking at litters he finally approved of this one. We received a warm welcome from Terry and Tracey at Ten Bar Ranch and were thrilled to see the puppy's mom and dad in-person. The puppy is extremely intelligent and already showing a strong hunting drive. We cannot wait to start his training and hunt dove and quail with him here in New Mexico. If we ever buy another dog or make a recommendation to friends or family this is without a doubt where we'll send them.
Submitted by: Susan Gill on Aug 10, 2018
I bought Remington about 3 1/2 years ago. She is the best dog I have ever owned. She is very intelligent, obedient, and loving. I absolutely love and adore her!!!
Submitted by: Svetlana Nedeska on Apr 24, 2018
Not sure if you remember us. We are in Howell, NJ. We bought our Jina (Gina) from you about 5 years ago or so. I was wondering if you still have Ivy and Brig and if you are still breeding them. Can't remember how she was, but I am assuming she is too old to breed at this point, if she is still here. Pls let me know.
We want to have another Jina, just amazing and perfect!
Submitted by: Jason Nelsen on Jan 29, 2018
Our first dog from Ten Bar Ranch was an excellent dog! Can't say enough good things about her. She had great instinct, drive, and control. She was an excellent flusher and a beautiful, well behaved dog. Our second puppy is showing a lot of promise as she is also demonstrating a strong drive for birds. We really look forward to seeing what she can do this fall. Working w/ Terry and Tracey is always a pleasure!
Submitted by: Joe Sacco on Aug 30, 2016
I want to take the time to say a big thank you to Terry and Tracey of Ten Bar Ranch. I had the good fortune to be able to visit them in South Dakota and not only see some truly incredible dogs, but got a real education from honest to goodness experts. Terry said he has been training dogs his whole life, and boy it shows. He had some very young pups doing some absolutely incredible work. Their Springer's hunted hard, stayed in range, responded quickly to the whistle, and were eager to retrieve. Oh, and talk about style, these pups have it. Additionally, the speed, drive, and scenting ability of their French Brittany's was truly impressive. Finally, Tracey and Terry graciously answered all of my questions with sincere, thoughtful, and educational answers. I am anxiously looking forward to purchasing a pup from TBR. Couldn't imagine two better folks to do business with. Thanks guys.
Submitted by: P. Rogers on Apr 23, 2016
I was very pleased with my first French Brittany from 10 Bar, so I just purchased another.:-) These folks have a great attitude and excellent dogs. IM not sure about the Springer's but they looked great as well!. Good folks to do business with. I highly recommend Tracy and Terry.
Submitted by: Mike McMullen on Apr 02, 2016
Terry and Tracey are have an amazing breeding program. My little Rainy just turned one a couple weeks ago. I've never had a more amazing hunting dog AND FAMILY MEMBER. Rainy is easily the best hunting dog I have ever owned. She learns instruction after two or three times showing her. Here retention of training is amazing. She was consistently putting birds in the air at 7 months old...I was shooting birds over her with smaller guage shotguns at 8 the end of season one she is consistent and showing amazing instinct. On the other end of the equation Rainy is an amazing indoor dog. She sleeps on my bed every night. She sits on my recliner with me every night. I couldn't ever ask for a better dog indoors. She has even checked with me three times writing this referral. Caution must be had training her...she is so smart and picks up things so fast that if your not careful she will pick up your mistakes. I can't say enough good about Terry and Tracey and their amazing dogs...other than this...I WILL be buying my next puppy (family member) from TBR.
Submitted by: Nathan French on Oct 20, 2014
Just wanted to thank you for such a great dog. Bronco is a great friend to the kids and he is getting better at sweeping fields. We couldn't be happier!!!!!
Submitted by: Clint LaFary on Aug 05, 2014
We couldn't be happier with Juno. She is only 5 months old at this time but showing very strong promise. She loves to run in any cover and is crazy about birds. She will play fetch all day long. Thank you.
Submitted by: jon hoecherl on Jul 02, 2014
My wife and I would like to thank both of you for finding a perfect fit for our situation. Indy (which she now answers to) is developing into the best springer we have ever owned. She's a ball of energy outdoors and a calm loving little girl indoors-I think she's a belly rubbing addict. more to come. Jon&Karon
Submitted by: Hazel Kersting on Dec 29, 2013
Hi Terry & Tracey! Just thought you might like to see a photo of Winston from OK. He is a sweetheart; spoiled and much loved! Happy New Year!
Submitted by: Rick Marquardt on Nov 14, 2013
Terry & Tracey - Kellee is awesome! Very eager to learn, she can't wait to go out and play. I am beyond happy with this puppy! Thank you so much. Rick
Submitted by: Dustin Roberts on Jul 16, 2013
Breeze is doing excellent and has exceeded our expectations already! Gonna be in the market for a Black & White male next year, hoping you can help me out.
Submitted by: Chuck Shaw on Dec 01, 2012
Just barely over one year ago I picked Buddy up from TBR while hunting in South Dakota. He's the real deal! I just need to work on his control a tiny bit, but he was absolutely amazing. Worked harder than my other dog and the guide's dogs. Found all but 1 crippled bird, flushed up the majority of the birds and he refused to let another dog beat him to the retrieve. Lots of fun to watch.
Submitted by: Bill Wagner on May 24, 2012
Soda is growing like a weed and is smart as a whip! She learns things so quickly and is (mostly) obedient. She loves long walks where she can run in the grass and sniff things out. She loves to chase Robins and other birds. Tonight she noticed (for the first time) a fox pelt I have hanging in my office and started barking at it. She seemed a little frightened of that critter. I am very pleased with how she is developing. Thanks for breeding good dogs.
Submitted by: Steve Mulherin on Jan 14, 2012
Hey Tracey and Terry happy new year.
I thought you’d be interested in knowing that I ran Chip in a National Upland Classic competition Saturday. As it was our first experience we ran in the novice class. There were 18 dogs in the class and Chip and I got our 3 birds (quail) and finished with 12 minutes left 0n the clock. We came in first with a 50 point lead over second place. It was fun but if I want to do it again I have to run in the open class. Chip is the best. It’s hard to believe that we’ve had Chip 4 years and that he is over 6. Sometime in the not too distant future, I’ll need to talk to you about another dog. Because of Rooster and Chip, you are the only place I’ll go.
Submitted by: Travis Nye on May 13, 2011
Terry and Tracey are some of the nicest people you will meet, don't hesitate about dealing with them. I am from Utah and was able to buy one of the cutiest females from there last litter, from Brig and Areane. I drove to there house to get my pup and they were so hospitable and pleasant to talk with I could have stayed for some time, talking to them. Zoe is an incredible pup she is not timid about anything, has a great nose and is extremely smart dog far more than any other springer I have delt with. In short they breed amazing dogs, you will not be disappointed. I am almost tempted to put a deposit on there new litter!
Submitted by: Connie Snow on Feb 23, 2011
I told my husband last spring it was time for me to get a job or get a dog, it was his decision. He didn't think, he told me to get a dog. Then I found Terry and Tracey and they had one female puppy still available last spring. When we went to look at her, she put her head on my shoulder and "Casey" had me hook, line and sinker! Not only did we get a puppy, and hunting companion that day, but we got an addition to our family. Terry and Tracey have always been available to us to answer any questions we've had in training Casey (or Casey training us, as the case may really be as I'm still learning this bird hunting/bird dog stuff) - if only I was as good a hunter as Casey, I could limit out regularly. Terry and Tracey's vast knowledge of breeding has produced an extremely intelligent puppy, has incredible heart while hunting, a loyal pup beyond compare and a personality that I can't describe. One last thing.....her markings are so unique and pretty that even my Mom (not exactly a dog liker, let alone lover) even said to me "She really IS a pretty and smart dog!" Now THAT is a true compliment!
Submitted by: Connie Snow on Feb 16, 2011
I told my husband last spring it was time for me to get a job or get a dog, it was his decision. He didn't think, he told me to get a dog. Then I found Terry and Tracey and they had one female puppy still available last spring. When we went to look at her, she put her head on my shoulder and "Casey" had me hook, line and sinker! Not only did we get a puppy, and hunting companion that day, but we got an addition to our family. Terry and Tracey have been always been available to us to answer any questions we've had in training Casey (or Casey training us, as the case may really be as I'm still learning this bird hunting/bird dog stuff) - if only I was as good a hunter as Casey, I could limit out regularly. Terry and Tracey's vast knowledge of breeding has produced an extremely intelligent puppy, has incredible heart while hunting, a loyal pup beyond compare and a personality that I can't describe. One last thing.....her markings are so unique and pretty that even my Mom (not exactly a dog liker, let alone lover) even said to me "She really IS a pretty and smart dog!" Now THAT is a true compliment!
Submitted by: Max Schumacher on Nov 28, 2010
Terry and Tracey,
I would like to express how delighted I am with my Soleil, now at nine months. She is far more advanced than my previous two English Springers ever were at this same age. Getting her basic obedience down was much easier and “house breaking”was a snap; she's really smart and perceptive and eager to please. Working with her at our local hunt club, I've shot a couple of dozen birds over her, both pheasant and chukar. She quarters naturally, flushes very aggressively and is always willing to dive into the most dense cover. Of course, she retrieves beautifully to hand. She is so precocious for her age that I have to consciously remember that she is still just a pup, yet she still has boundless energy and desire to hunt. Not only great genetics and intelligence, she is a very good looking dog as well. I get more compliments on how beautiful she is. Watching her with her dazzling markings as she rips through the brush is truly a joy to behold. I never get tired of looking at her, knowing what a gem I have for a field partner.
I'm grateful to the French for having kept those ancient field blood lines pure and extremely grateful to the both of you for your great expertise and integrity in producing what are quite possibly the finest available English Springer Spaniels in the country today.
Max Schumacher
Parker, Colorado
Submitted by: David Overcash on Mar 15, 2010
Terry, Tracey,
Can't say enough about Dakota, our experiencing buying her from you all - and the training you did with her. We got a spectacular puppy from you but in the beginning with a brand new baby and me being away a lot being in the Navy, we just couldn't give her any consistency or get her to the field enough. When we sent her to you for training, she was (to be nice) too much to handle. But after just a few months with you, she is a BRAND NEW DOG. Obedient, great with the baby, and (now) an experienced and natural hunter! Its obvious you've brought out her great instincts! Thanks for the training, the follow-up and all the little things I can't mention here that have made our relationship with you the best. Can't imagine having a better experience with a breeder/trainer. You were there when we needed you - every time. Dave, Liz, Adan, Everett, Dakota
Submitted by: Steve Mulherin on Mar 10, 2010
My family and I have had the good fortune to have two of Terry and Tracey's ESS adopt us. I will not hesitate to go to the Jacobson's for the next addition to our family.
Submitted by: Travis Barney on Jan 01, 2009
We went to ten bar ranch to look at a 9 month old started dog. Terry took my wife and I on a pheasant hunt to see the dog work. This dog was more like a finished dog not a started dog. I brought him home that day. I am so thankful for all the work that Terry and Tracy did for us. If you want a dog that hunts and is a family dog get a Springer from these guys. Thanks alot
Travis Barney
Submitted by: Greg Buchholz on Nov 18, 2008
Terry -
Once again, just a tremendous experience hunting with you and your Springers this week in South Dakota. Your Springers really stand out with us as "the best of the best".
Much appreciated!
Greg Buchholz
Canton, GA
Submitted by: Jerry J Harrison Jr on Nov 18, 2008
I have hunted behind Terry's dogs for 5 years now, and can state unconditionally that I have seen the best. We hunt all over the country and enjoy working all breeds work, but watching these dogs pick up every pheasant in a field and find every running cripple is amazing to see.
The dogs perform every time and are as strong as they can possibly be. Three straight days of hard hunting have convinced me that these Springers are the best in the country, and that Terry is as good a trainer as you could find. As I "staff" my kennels, you can bet that every dog is going to come from Terry.
Submitted by: Jessica Neilan on Apr 10, 2008
Terry & Tracey -
We have had such luck with our springer from Ten Bar Ranch. D-O-G is my 5 year old son's best friend and my husband's favorite hunting partner. D-O-G is the perfect mix a family pet and hunting companion.
We couldn't ask for a better dog!
Jessica and Nathan Neilan
Submitted by: Jennifer Tuttle on Mar 31, 2008
Terry & Tracey,
I would like to thank you for a great hunting dog! Dandie is hunted about 100 days of the year and also guides pheasant hunts! She has an outstanding nose, loves to retrieve, and has a great temperament. She loves to relax in the house, everybody loves her laid back personality! Watch out in the field - she is all business and really works hard! It is so fun to watch her work!
You have been so helpful. It is so nice to have someone as trustworthy and knowledgeable as the two of you are! The dogs you trained for me last summer turned out super, just as I expected.
I hope to get another puppy from one of your future litters.
For anyone who is considering purchasing a puppy from Ten Bar Ranch:
Please know that Terry & Tracey are 100% Honest, Very Knowledgeable, Give Their Dogs The Best Treatment AT ALL TIMES, & Are So Patient! Their Dogs are From The Very Best Lines & are Very Selectively Bred. When They have A Litter- It Is Going To Be A Good One!!!
I have known them for about 10 years...They have Bought one of my dogs, Sold me a dog, & Have Trained several dogs for me. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TEN BAR RANCH.-JEN TUTTLE
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