English Springer Spaniel, Epagneul Breton, French Brittany Spaniel, Springer Spaniel
Submitted by: Diann Stevens Guyer on Nov 11, 2019
Ivy went for her 1st pheasant hunt last Sunday, we didn’t get on any birds because there was too much corn in yet where we were hunting, but she did great quartering in front of us, listened well and could smell where the birds had been, she did great !!! Thank you again, she is doing great being a spoiled indoor dog and we all love her very much.
Submitted by: Bob Rowles on Nov 11, 2019
Had to let you know how Porter is doing. This is his third season and man did he come out strong! He has ran down birds that would have been lost without him, and this past weekend he got me a rooster that I didn't shoot, somebody else winged him and Porter flushed him and ran him down 150 yards through waist high thick grass. He also did the same for one that I winged earlier. Got me my first limit of birds since starting back up four years ago. Had to take him to Lost Cabin to visit with the girls for a reward since we were done early. The guys I hunted with in the resident season loved hunting with him and commented numerous times how good he has become. He has become an awesome dog.
Submitted by: Brent Mannes on Nov 11, 2019
Terry & Tracey, wanted to update you on Ace. He's a little cuddle muffin who's fit into our family perfectly. And.... he's definitely discovered his special purpose. He REALLY hunts well for a puppy. Got his 1st public land limit yesterday. Couldn't be happier!
Submitted by: Jeff Andruczyk on Oct 18, 2019
Hi Terry! Shout out from New Jersey. Our Libby girl turned 9 today! What a good hunter and healthy dog! tTied to send you a photo but couldn't through Facebook. tTanks for a kick ass friend in the field.
Submitted by: Matt Borst on Sep 11, 2018
Piper had her first find on wild grouse the other day here in Wyoming. The bird moved off and she held tight. I am sending a short video. She is going nuts over birds now! We have a fair amount of grouse so she is getting to work at least once a day. Of course some are runners.
Submitted by: Erryn Meyerink on Sep 11, 2018
Our little girl has adjusted so well, and we're loving having her here. She's so smart!!! We just want to say thank you guys - we couldn't be happier with our Mia (Officially Oh Mama Mia Ten Bar Ranch).
Submitted by: Aaron Chohon on Aug 30, 2018
Duke out of Loki and Jake has got drive like you wouldn’t believe and has a nose that’s unbelievable! And to add to the bragging rights for ya, two weeks ago I was in a BDC event here in O’Neill and Duke would’ve won if I would’ve shot straight, he had all the birds up in 4:30, leading was 4:38 but I missed the last bird, he’s 8 months old now and is competing with seasoned dogs
I’m not being boastful I’m just saying that your dogs bloodlines are worth the pennies if a guy wants a dog that’ll hunt
Submitted by: Katie DeLorenzo on Aug 20, 2018
We recently picked up a male puppy from the Loki x Jake litter and could not be happier. Many years ago my dad had a springer and he has wanted another dog for a while but was extremely picky about the hunting ability and look. After half a year reviewing different breeders and looking at litters he finally approved of this one. We received a warm welcome from Terry and Tracey at Ten Bar Ranch and were thrilled to see the puppy's mom and dad in-person. The puppy is extremely intelligent and already showing a strong hunting drive. We cannot wait to start his training and hunt dove and quail with him here in New Mexico. If we ever buy another dog or make a recommendation to friends or family this is without a doubt where we'll send them.
Submitted by: Susan Gill on Aug 10, 2018
I bought Remington about 3 1/2 years ago. She is the best dog I have ever owned. She is very intelligent, obedient, and loving. I absolutely love and adore her!!!
Submitted by: Svetlana Nedeska on Apr 24, 2018
Not sure if you remember us. We are in Howell, NJ. We bought our Jina (Gina) from you about 5 years ago or so. I was wondering if you still have Ivy and Brig and if you are still breeding them. Can't remember how she was, but I am assuming she is too old to breed at this point, if she is still here. Pls let me know.
We want to have another Jina, just amazing and perfect!
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