Submitted by: Bill from Kansas on Mar 27, 2023
Art & Mary;
I just wanted to drop a line and update you on Ol Roxie.
Home Life:
Rox spends a ton of time indoors and when outdoors, she has a large yard with a privacy fence. She is a joy in the house; she is a snuggler and sleeps on the bed with us...we are a little Redneck :-)
She is great friends with Koda, the Lab. They play all day. I don't know who is happier, Koda or Roxie, but they are an inseparable pair. She sneaks up on the cat and when he turns around, runs like she robbed a bank.
Now that she is very settled, I will really begin working with her in the field. A couple of days ago, we did a 35 minute hunt for wild quail on a ranch not far from here. Unfortunately, we failed to find a covey, however, she did work a running rooster, which flushed a good way ahead of her. She saw it and was very excited.
Today, I took her on a planted quail adventure on some of my hunting grounds just outside of town. I used two launchers and planted one bird per launcher. It was a 30 minute affair; the birds were about 200 yards apart and we covered a bit of ground before the first one.
Just like on the wild quail hunt, she hunted VERY well. She is very responsive and uses the wind well...and we have a lot of wind here in KS! She handled both birds well, showing birdiness and caution. On both points, she was low to the ground, intense, and showed off a little by holding her right front paw in the air.
I was using my old training gun - a turn of the century Iver Johnson 2.5" chambered 410. She was steady to wing, shot, and fall. When I then walked to her and patted her on the head to release her for the "fetch", she looked like a little pro. The first bird was in 8" grass and weeds, son there was a bid of hunting "dead"; once she found it, I called her, and she brought it back straight as a string. Naturally, we enjoyed the moment before I took the bird and then we congratulated each other for a couple of minutes.
The second bird was much like the first: A great point, steadiness until released, and culminated with another nice retrieve - though this one was easily seen and didn't require hunting "dead".
I cannot overstate how impressed I am with her both in the home and in the field. Y'all did a great job with her in the house and Art did an extraordinary job with her in the field.
I'll continue this regimen through March and keep it "fun" for her.
OK, I've wasted enough of your time, but I wanted y'all to know just how impressed we are with Roxie.