Larson Field Labs - Arizona Labrador Retriever Breeders

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About Larson Field Labs
Hello! my name is John Larson. I am not a dog breeder by profession, I do it more as a hobby right now. With a full time job as a Federal Law Enforcement Agent and seven children, my time is often very limited. However, I am dedicated to producing high quality hunting and family dogs with pedigrees that you just don't find in southern Arizona. I first started working with dogs on a professional level as a law enforcement detection K9 handler where I worked extensively with high-drive dogs, mostly German Shepherds,Belgian Malinois and Labs. I have been a bird hunter all my life but I bought my first hunting dog, "Nelli",14 years ago from a breeder in Yuma, Arizona, he raised labs that were bred to hunt hard in the Yuma desert, dogs that were full of drive and intelligence. I have hunted southern Arizona for quail and dove with my dogs every year since. 12 years ago I bought another lab, this time a male "Zeus", from Duckdawg kennels located in North Platte, Nebraska. Zeus had an amazing pedigree, over 40 titles in a 5 generation pedigree, most of which were field champions or national field champions (2xNAFC 2xCNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac, NFC abe's ebony and ivory). Zeus was full of drive in the field but the perfect indoor family dog when training was over. Both Zeus and Nelli had great noses but Zeus really amazed me with his ability, he would find downed birds long after the scent was cold and other dogs had come up empty-handed, his training was so easy and he never chewed on a single piece of furniture, he changed my expectations for hunting labs forever. I was made a believer in the importance and benefits of shopping in the right places for the right quality of dogs. Nelli was a great hunter but her ultimate potential was limited due to her genetics. There is no fail-safe when it comes to picking a dog but there is definitely a difference when the right bloodlines come together. I have found that there are bloodlines that produce better temperaments and more focused minds that are ready to learn, ready to please. A lab that is bred for competition will have more eye power, they will have better marking ability and a better mental compass when they run through hilly terrain or thick brush on a retrieve. With my dogs I can't guarantee a Field Champion but here's what I can tell you about what you can expect, if you are looking for an athletic and intelligent hunting partner with drive to spare, these dogs are for you, they look gorgeous with big motors, they aren't going to get over 80lbs most likely, they have great coats that are very glossy, they will have great on/off switches which will make them ideal for indoor pets as well as top field dogs. I am slowly breeding in more pointing drives in my puppies as well, I want my dogs to be able to handle water fowl like a pro one day and then kill it on the upland birds the next. Feel free to contact me by email reply, phone call or Facebook, texting is fine too. Also, I am pleased to announce our new stud dog "Oakley", (GMPR Beaver Creek Retrievers Jake's Red Line Oakley MH QAA) he is available standing at stud to acceptable females, just contact me and we can go over pedigrees and other pertinent aspects of the breeding process. Oakley is arguably the best stud in the state of Arizona and his stud fee reflects that. In The past, I have had to travel thousands of miles or pay thousands of dollars in shipping and AI costs to have access to a stud like Oakley but now he is right here at my house! You can also take advantage of this convenience!! My Facebook page, which I am on all the time, is LarsonFieldLabs and it is the best way to get current info, litter updates and pics and videos of past litters, it is a great way for anyone that is interested in purchasing a Larson Lab to ask past buyers how they feel about me and my dogs and also how they feel about the dog that they brought home too! It is a closed group but I will add you to it if you are seriously interested in finding your next top quality hunting partner or family pet, just let me know who you are and what you're looking for. John, Tiffany and the kids :)
Hunting Dog Breeds Raised
Labrador Retriever
Additional Services
Stud Services
Breeder Contact Info
John Larson
3087 West Rosewood Lane
Willcox, Arizona 85643
Breeding quality gun dogs for over 14 years.
Click here to visit Larson Field Labs website
Puppies for sale
Testimonials (15) You are viewing the 10 most recent - View all reviews for Larson Field Labs
Submitted by: Phil on May 04, 2020
I have a 3 y/o female from John. We hunt hard seven months a year on waterfowl, pheasants, quail, sharptail grouse, ruffed grouse, woodcock, huns, sage grouse, huns, chukar, and prairie chickens! From the start I have been impressed with her natural ability, athleticism, heat tolerance, and nose. She can switch it on in the field, and off when she is in the home. I cannot say enough good things about Larson Field Labs.
Submitted by: Laura Barton on Apr 26, 2019
Hi John and Tiffany,
I got Gracie who is now almost 5 years old and she is and has been fabulous! (Mom and dad are Nellie and Zeus)
She knows everyone in the neighborhood and greets each one individually.
She is in training to become A certified “therapy dog” and we will
be assigned to a center to visit regularly.
If you ever need someone to share training tips or visit to see the breed let me know.
Will send her graduation pictures
Submitted by: Kimberly Wingert on Aug 16, 2018
It has now been about a year since my last post and I wanted to provide another review now that Chloe is over a year old. Chloe is a black Labrador Retriever I took home from John and Tiffany’s family. As before, I cannot say enough good things about the Labradors that come from this family. I have worked with dogs my whole life and from the time Chloe was a puppy and still to this day she continues to amaze me with the growth and intellect she is capable of. She understands things I could never have expected her to, and it’s so much fun watching her solve problems she is trying to understand. She is loyal and loving, and I couldn’t ask for a better family member. I recently moved to California, and multiple people have been messaging me “tell Chloe I miss her”. She is an amazing dog, and I am still grateful for her every day. She has bonded so deeply with me and I can’t imagine a life without her.
Submitted by: Tanyia seay on Nov 20, 2017
Submitted by: Mitzi and Mike on Oct 13, 2017
Barkley is the third Labrador to join our family and our first experience with John at LarsonFieldLabs. We could not be happier. He has an amazing temperament, is incredibly athletic, and is so intelligent. His coat is unlike any other lab we have had - so shiny and smooth, like a seal, with little to no shedding. We get compliments from everyone who sees him, "What a handsome dog!" John has been wonderful from the beginning. He is very willing to talk anytime and gives us excellent advice. Our previous labs have passed, and we have always been a 2 dog family. If we are fortunate to have the opportunity, we would love to welcome another LarsonFieldLab into our home.
Submitted by: Kimberly Wingert on Oct 12, 2017
I have always loved Labrador Retrievers and over the summer I decided to start looking for a new furry member of the family. In searching, I came across the Larsons' information about a puppy they had available. I contacted John Larson to ask about the puppy, and he was extremely patient as I asked a million questions, and he also asked me questions in turn to ensure the puppy would be going to a good home. I am very wary about paying people online prior to meeting them, and because I was unable to see the puppy until I picked her up I talked about that concern with John. He provided me with the link to this website, which put my mind at ease, and also added me to a group page where people who have gotten puppies from them continue to post updates about the puppies/dogs and how amazing they are. All of these experiences eased my mind, and I immediately knew that I wanted that puppy! We named the puppy Chloe, and I can't imagine our home without her in it. She is a little over 6 months old now, and when I weighed her yesterday (10/11/2017) she was 49.6 lbs (examining a Labrador body condition chart indicates her weight is ideal; that is, she is also not overweight).

From the moment I brought Chloe home, it was obvious that she was special. She was playing fetch and bringing the toy back the same day she came home with us, and learned how to heel over the next few days (at between 8 and 9 weeks old!). She has been extremely easy to train- when I teach her something new I can almost see the mental gears turning and she picks up on what I want from her within 5 minutes. Within a couple of days of consistent reinforcement, she never fails to do what I'm asking. She is always eager to please, and always amazes me with her ability to reason in novel situations. After spending 4 months with her (she was 2 months old when we brought her home and is 6 months now), my only concern with her is that she thinks every single person she sees is her best friend and because she is so happy and outgoing she has fortunately never had to learn that not everyone she sees is a dog person. However, even that is not a real negative thing because she will still listen if I tell her no and to stay close. I have had a fantastic experience with the Larsons, and anyone who interacts with puppies from one of their litters will see that they provide a great environment for the puppies' emotional and intellectual growth until they are ready to go to their new families.

In addition to intelligence, Chloe has not had any concerning attachment issues. She loves interacting with us and with others (including other dogs), but she also plays on her own and does ok when we aren't home with her. She has clearly bonded well with us- I recently had a family member watch her when I left town for a weekend, and while I was told she searched for us every day and gave a couple of brief barks while looking in our room, she still happily played with the family and was in good spirits when we got home. She is great at letting people know when she needs something. She communicates in her own way but she always gets the message across. She has made a great addition to the family and I would recommend the Larsons as a breeder to anyone interested in adding a Labrador Retriever to the family. John and Tiffany Larson have always responded to those who ask questions, making their puppies ideal for even individuals who aren't used to training large breed dogs.
Submitted by: Caitlin Meaney on Oct 10, 2017
I can't say enough good things about John Larson, his family, and his beautiful labradors! We got our female black lab, Jet, from John. She's out of Mia and Zeus. Jet is 6 months old now and has brought nothing but joy to our lives! We went looking for a dog that we could train for hunting, but above all, would be a good house dog. We definitely got what we were looking for and more than we could ever hope for! I have never trained a hunting dog before, but with the help of books, videos and John's unwavering support and advice, Jet is well on her way to being a great hunter. Jet has been easy to train, and she is SO smart!
Jet is the perfect family dog in my opinion. The only things she has chewed (besides her toys) have been a few socks. She's so cuddly and sweet but never "needy." Jet has an incredible "off" switch. When it's time to play or train, she's so fun and "ON", but as soon as work/play time is over, she knows to settle down and will laze around with us. Jet loves people, especially kids. We've taken her on many adventures and vacations with us already, and she travels well! Always laid back and easy.
Jet has a gorgeous, shiny, short black coat that doesn't shed much at all. I get so many compliments wherever she goes. "Wow! What a beautiful dog!" and we could not agree more!
John and his family are amazing, and I would recommend anyone to get a pup from him. What a wonderful experience it has been so far! We hit the jackpot with Larson's Field Labs. Thank you John!
Submitted by: Jason on Oct 10, 2017
John Larson is professional, courteous and knowledgeable. Easy to talk to and genuinely interested in selecting the right pup to fit your needs. We have a female from his most current litter with Zeus and Mia. She's healthy, intelligent, good temperament and has a soft mouth. She's eager to please and very responsive to training.
Submitted by: Dan on Oct 09, 2017
John and his family are the greatest. Our puppy Cooper (blue boy)is six months old. He is a fabulous pup. We bought him for our grandson, now 19 months old. They are great buddies, he can virtually do anything to Cooper. His temperament is fabulous and very smart. Everyone compliments us .
Submitted by: Danial Hannover on Dec 19, 2016
I would like to take a moment to share how amazing our dog, Gus, has been for us. We have had Gus for a little over two years now, and has been a tremendous house dog. He is always friendly to everyone he meets, almost too friendly (if that was possible). But the area that he has really excelled is in the hunting field. This will be Gus' second full hunting season with me. Last year was very fun to see him slowly figure the whole pheasant hunting thing out, when we first went out to North Dakota that year, he kind of had to watch other dogs and emulate what they did. Gus continued to become more independent over the rest of the season with two trips to South Dakota and three to Iowa. Turn the page to this years pheasant hunting season, Gus and I have taken two trips to South Dakota and one to Iowa so far with some very experienced pheasant hunters. From day one this season, we have hunted with 20+ other bird dogs (each very talented in their own right), but Gus has out hunted each and every one of them. I cannot tell you how many times this year, I have been told that he is one of the best dogs they have ever hunted with, coming from hunters with 50+ years of experience; that is quite the compliment. Most recently, we were invited to hunt at a game farm in central Minnesota and Gus impressed the guides at the game farm so much by out hunting their own dogs, that we were offered a job at the game farm. Although I may have trained Gus and have gotten him as much exposure to pheasant hunting as possible, I believe his natural instinct and attitude is true testament to what outstanding dogs John and Larson Field Labs produce. Thank you again for producing such an awesome dog, he has been a great addition to our family and an even better addition in the fields.
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