Remington Ranch Gun Dogs Academy - Kansas Field Trialing, Flushing, Hunt Testing, Pointing, Retrieving hunting dog trainers
About Remington Ranch Gun Dogs Academy
We specialize in many categories with focus on what the client would like out of his or her gundog. We only take up to 5 to 6 dogs in our training at any given time. We handle Labs to Setters. We train to APLA, UKC HRC, AKC Hunt Test, Tournament Hunting NUCS, UFTA, BHU, BDC. You tell us what you want and we come up with a detailed game plan. $650 a month plus birds. Our facility is a world class facility with 1 small lake, 1 Large Pond, 144 acres of training ground. Our dog facility has heating and air and dogs free to come and go outside as they please, we can force fetch as well but really try to promote natural retrieve as much as possible. We do give tours, and also have many many references across the country we can provide. Your dogs will enjoy our facilities because of its design and being newly built. We strive at Remington Ranch to make sure our facilities are well kept. Are part of our trainer is that our clients are involved. We have several guest rooms in our main lodge for our friends (clients) to stay if they wanna come see how the traiming is going and hunt over there dog when the dog is at that with his training. Enjoy a beautiful lodge full kitchen, 80inch t.v and most importantly enjoy watching your dogs growth.
Dog Training Available
Field Trialing
Hunt Testing
Remington Ranch Gun Dogs Academy Contact Info
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