Submitted by: Ellen Waggoner on Sep 01, 2018
Our experience with Windchime Kennel was absolutely and without a doubt the BEST we have ever encountered!
Their expertise and knowledge of the GSP breed is extraordinary and beyond compare!
Our 3 year old female is, without a doubt probably the best girl we have ever had! Not only is she a master in the field but a master of loving children, people, and the world in general! She truly is an example of what EVERY Shorthair should be!
Thank you Stacie for your love of this breed and the generosity of sharing your knowledge with us as well!
Ellen and Bob Waggoner
New Meadows, Idaho
Submitted by: WENDY ROLLINGS on Aug 12, 2018
If you are interested in owning an Amazing GSP Windchime Kennel is definitely the place to invest in a dog. Oakley our 7 month old GSP has been nothing but a first class dog since the day we picked her up. If you ever have any questions Windchime Kennel is always there to help. Could not be happier with Oakley and Windchime Kennel
Submitted by: Barry Moon on Mar 11, 2018
We bought Sadee in 2015 and had her trained at 10 months and she has done wonderful. She has a beautiful head and is intelligent. S
Submitted by: John Shackelford on Nov 21, 2016
Ava is at a trainer in TN and he says she's as good as he's had in a while. She loves retrieving the bumper from the lake.
Submitted by: Johnny Brewer on Jun 21, 2016
I bought a puppy called Sadie back in 2014. She is out of Rock Solid and Sporting Lady. Just thanking you for the best hunting dog I have ever had!
Submitted by: PETE AND LORRAINE on May 31, 2016
Our pup is Molly (Trigger pup) She never takes a day off. She's almost 3 and she's the best hunting dog i have ever had!
Submitted by: JON PAYNE on May 25, 2016
The Vet was very impressed with Cash today and couldn't find any issues with him whatsoever.
Submitted by: Linda Pegg on Mar 15, 2016
I can't say enough good things about the care and devotion Stacie has for the GSP breed. I see the care that is given to pups and her planned breeding program. From the time I sent in my deposit I understood to get a quality hunting dog you must be patient as well as ask lots of questions. I now have the best hunting partner I could have ever asked for. Thank you for breeding the best! Belle is awesome in the field and in the house.
Submitted by: RYAN EUBANKS on Jan 06, 2016
Darby will be five in April and she has been a great family pet as well as a solid pointer. She did it all today! We had a great morning with a limit of SC woodcock.
Submitted by: Rich Farr on Oct 15, 2015
I have a great little girl from one of Windchimes litters, this is the type of kennel everyone is looking for. Class Act!!!!
Submitted by: Ellen Waggoner on Sep 15, 2015
Our Annie Belle is the BEST pup,in the world! All of our hunting friends just CAN NOT believe her! Not only is she a sweetheart of the FIRST ORDER, but she is a hunting machine and we are even more in love with her than ever! She is not even 5 months and we laugh and love with her every day!
Submitted by: Belinda Reed on Jul 21, 2015
Windchime dogs are amazing!! My Striker dog is not only great looking but he is the best hunting companion I have ever owned. Thank You Stacie for breeding the BEST!!
Submitted by: Clay Johnson on Jul 16, 2015
These are great dogs both field and family!
Submitted by: Elizabeth Smith on Apr 07, 2015
Windchime Kennel is a class act! I am blown away by the superior breeding quality of these beautiful dogs. I purchased Arsenal from Stacie and have been so thrilled with how brilliant my GSP is. She learns so quickly it's almost unbelievable. At 7 weeks she was already sight pointing leaves and twigs. Stacie made the entire process easy and enjoyable. What sets her apart from other breeders is that she truly strives to continue to perfect the GSP breed in the careful management of her breeding. She also cares about who her puppies are going to and continues to help and answer questions even after you have your puppy. Stacie does not mind sending pictures and honestly she made the process of getting Arsenal well worth while. I highly recommend Windchime Kennel to anyone looking for a German Shorthaired Pointer.
Submitted by: DANIELLE LYNCH on Apr 07, 2015
Amazing dogs and Stacie was beyond wonderful. We had a change in plans to pick up our little guy and she was fantastic about working with us. Otto is a fabulous dog and we can't wait to see him grow.
Submitted by: PAIGE RANDOLPH on Apr 07, 2015
I absolutely love my GSP puppy Junebug! She is the prettiest GSP I have ever seen, but I could be a little bias. She is the sweetest dog and always wants to cuddle :) I can not wait to see how she does when we start training her to hunt!
Submitted by: APRIL WHEELER on Apr 07, 2015
Great GSP from windchime! Stacie was nice and helpful!
Submitted by: Brandi Thomas on Dec 15, 2014
I bought my new hunting companion from Stacie and Sage is awesome! She is probably the best hunting dog I have ever owned. She is everything I was promised she would be and more. Not only does she have a great nose and style, but she is very much a part of the family. We love Sage! She can hunt all day and sleep in the house at night. Thank you so much for breeding such awesome hunting dog.
Submitted by: J Bagwell on Nov 28, 2014
We have been working Syd on retrieving and commands and she's doing great. A lot of times this summer she would point butterflies and would out wait them every time. She's smart as a whip!!! Love her to death!!
Submitted by: Larry Wood on Oct 01, 2014
Galli tracked her first deer yesterdy. She picked up trail instantly after smelling arrow. She did great, pointed when she found it. She is turning into great pet and hunting dog. She is a workaholic.
Submitted by: Hunter Wilm on Sep 08, 2014
Duke is doing so well! We actually took him to the lake this weekend to work on some water retrieving. He loves the water! He is right about 55 lbs, eat like a horse and can run for days. We are looking forward to taking him on his first real dove hunt this Labor day. Thank you so much for such an awesome dog!
Submitted by: Fred Richardson on Jul 27, 2014
Mickey is doing great and is probably one of the best hunting dogs I have ever owned. He is a natural hunting dog that has a great hunting foundation. Thank you Stacie for breeding with such pride in your hunting dogs.
Submitted by: ALEX M on Jun 05, 2014
My pup Gunner is doing great, loves to chase birds and has a good point when he is focused. He is also obsessed with tennis balls, frisbees and any thing that remotely involves retrieving. Swimming is one of his favorite activities and he loves every second he is at the lake. He's up to about 55 pounds now, tall and lanky, full of energy all the time. I enjoy everyday with him and want to thank you for breeding such great GSPs.
Submitted by: Chad B on Apr 23, 2014
I got a pup from Stacie at Windchime Kennel and she is the best breeder...look no farther than Windchime Kennel. My pup River is very smart,beautiful, and will be my hunting partner starting this fall. I am a duck hunter and have always had labs. Thanks Stacie for this great new duck dog.
Submitted by: Jason Smith on Mar 18, 2014
I am so happy I found Windchime Kennels! My young pups is outstanding already at 4 months old. I can not wait to get Gunner in the field. He suprises me with his natural ability and loves the water. Watch out upland birds and ducks.
Submitted by: Aaron Leland on Mar 05, 2014
Our bird crazy pup Bella at 9 months old after her 2nd Jr hunt test. Can't brag enough about the dogs Windchime Kennel breeds! These dogs are FULL of class and style!!
Submitted by: Linda Hawks on Mar 03, 2014
Dogs Can't get any more beautiful than this! Stacie you breed the most beautiful dogs and I am so happy to have both Scout and Duck!
Submitted by: Emylee Connally on Feb 28, 2014
Love my pup from Windchime! Stacie is very helpful throughout the whole process.
Submitted by: E MCALLISTER on Feb 13, 2014
It doesn't seem that it has been almost six years since we had the good fortune to pick up Brandy. She has been a wonderful addition to the family, combining intelligence, beauty, and a lively personality. I believe she is every bit as smart as our German Shepherds, perhaps more so.It's a pity no one in the family has time to hunt any more because she is definitely a hunter.
Submitted by: Hunter Wilm on Feb 01, 2014
Duke is doing amazing! He is so smart, and very healthy. Weighs right at 17 pounds. Retrieves like a champ, and will be out running birds next week. Thank you so much for a wonderful dog!
Submitted by: J MCDONALD on Jan 26, 2014
Reaper is from Zara and Diesel litter had him out in the field this am with live quail he did outstanding. He has one heck of a nose!!
Submitted by: Melody Haithcock on Jan 26, 2014
Windchime Kennel breeds the best pups! I have been searching for a pup and Stacie takes time with the pups and keeps you up to date on how they are doing. I love my pup from Windchime. Stacie helped me pick out the perfect pup for me..Thanks!! Can't wait to get Remy in the hunt tests!!
Submitted by: Carl Schwab on Jan 18, 2014
I just love my pup from Stacie at Windchime Kennel. He plays hard and then cuddles right up with me.
I live on the North Fork of the Rivanna River and every morning during our walk the Geese fly over, he stands still and watches them intently!!
Submitted by: MICHAEL HUNT on Jan 17, 2014
We bought a pup from Windchime Kennels 4 years ago and Kate is awesome! Just bought our 2nd pup and her name is Sammie. We are looking forward to Kate's new hunting partner. Already have some quail penned just for her.
Submitted by: HUNTER WILLM on Jan 17, 2014
Our pup Duke from Windchime Kennels is doing great! He is full of energy and very smart! Thank you so much for your help. If you have any litters in 2014 please keep me updated I will be ready for another one!
Submitted by: Jake Macleod on Jan 15, 2014
My pup from Windchime Kennels is doing great incredibly smart, great nose, and great energy.
Submitted by: Ben Frye on Jan 14, 2014
We bought Rocco from Stacie at Windchime and he is doing great! He's an awesome family pet, and coming on to the hunting pretty well too. Thanks for this awesome dog!
Submitted by: Marvin Morgan on Jan 04, 2014
Cypress is so much more than just a duck dog she is the most versatile hunting dog I have ever seen. She can point quail retrieve doves/ducks and trail deer. I am so lucky to have such a good hunting partner. You are breeding some awesome dogs thank you so much.
Submitted by: Ashton Ragone on Jan 02, 2014
We LOVE Catfish and are so thankful! He's so funny and has a great personality. Thanks for such a great addition to our family!He has been to a local plantation for quail training and he will be going back shortly, but the head trainer was in shock by his natural abilities.
Submitted by: S. GORDON on Dec 30, 2013
Lulu is great,lots of attention.I am amazed by her natural instinct with her nose (as soon as she smells her food she is hunting, tail wagging nose to the ground) and her retriving ability.
Submitted by: JASON Y. on Dec 11, 2013
If your looking for some great bird dogs Windchime Kennel is the place!
Submitted by: Brian Allen on Dec 11, 2013
Ruger & Zara pup. Best dog ever! Ridge is 14 months. Thanks for an awesome dog!
Submitted by: Chrisie Leland on Dec 05, 2013
Absolutely love our gsp from windchime! They've been great during the process of finding the exact puppy we were looking for. The puppy has grown into a fantastic healthy dog with the hunting instincts we desired. Highly recommend windchime kennels if you're looking for a top quality short hair. #1 GSP Breeder
Submitted by: Sara B on Nov 18, 2013
Petey is a great dog and he has past 2 of his Junior Hunt tests getting very high scores. Thank you Stacie for helping me with him and for breeding such a great dog. If you are looking for the best hunting dog call Stacie at Windchime Kennel they are the best!
Submitted by: Tyler T. on Nov 12, 2013
Ridge got the second leg of his junior hunter today. We're very proud of him!
Thanks again for an awesome dog!
Submitted by: Susan Richardson on Aug 26, 2013
I bought River last year from Stacie and she is great! She is everything I was looking for, good nose, looks good, easy to train. I will be wild bird hunting with her in Michigan and can't wait. Thank you Stacie for breeding the best GSP I could ever ask for.
Submitted by: JACK on Aug 07, 2013
I bought a started dog Tek from Stacie and he is by far the best hunting dog I have ever owned. Stacie was so polite and helpful giving all the vet records and AKC information I needed to transfer this great hunting dog over to my vet. All his records were up to date. If I would ever buy another hunting dog I know I will be going to Stacie at Windchime Kennels. Thank you so much!! Jack
Submitted by: phil on Aug 03, 2013
We got our pup from the scout /trigger litter from last fall. "D" is a pleasure to have around. I believe she could turn out to be one of the best we have owned. She has style, stamina as well as being birdy. thanks Stacie for her
Submitted by: Ashley Gomez on Jul 13, 2013
We bought a pup from Stacie 6 years ago and we were so amazed with Gracie we knew were to go to get our 2nd GSP. Ruger is doing great and we can't wait to take him hunting with Gracie. They have become quite the team. If you are looking for a 1st class GSP Windchime Kennel has your pup. We love both of ours. Ashley and John
Submitted by: Melanie Ray/Ed Cole on Jul 01, 2013
I came to an Armenia Winds hunt test as a visitor and was so taken with Stacie and her dogs that I signed up for a puppy as soon as I could. I was lucky enough to get one of Trigger's pups and all I can say is we can't wait for the 2013 Fall season to start. Cash is not only great in the field — he's outstanding in the water — and Ed's really looking forward to taking him duck hunting. He's also very affectionate and a good companion to our older female, so we both got the dog we wanted. All in all, as Ed would say, he's right jam-up.
Submitted by: Kris on Jun 27, 2013
I have a dog from a litter 5 years ago I call Star and she is an excellent hunting companion. I have taken her to Michigan to hunt duck and other wild birds. Star has been one of the best hunting dogs I have ever owned. Thank you Stacie at Windchime Kennel for this excellent dog. She is everything I wanted.
Submitted by: Wes on Jun 07, 2013
I searched for a while to find the right puppy, and I found him at Windchime Kennels. He is 7 months old now and is growing into a beautiful and very intelligent dog. Everyone comments on how well behaved he is and how great he looks. I've had no problems and I would whole heartedly recommend this kennel to anyone interested in a GSP.
Submitted by: Thomas Oswald on May 15, 2013
I have been on the American Field Circuit for over 30 years as a competitor and judge. Stacie runs a 1st class kennel and give excellent care and attention to all of her dogs and pups. I am so impressed with Stacie's dog Trigger that we have decided to breed my AFC/FC Chick dog with him. Trigger will be going out to North Dakota with me this summer for some hour long American Field Championships and I am sure he will do great! If you are looking for a great Shorthaired Pointer call Stacie and you will have one of the best dogs on the field.
Submitted by: Becky Martin on May 15, 2013
We bought our GSP, Gunner, two years ago from Stacie and fell deeply in love the second we held him. We love the breed so much that we bought our second GSP, Trigger, from her last year. Stacie was a stranger to us before Gunner but now is a dear friend of ours through her kindness and willingness to do anything for us and our dogs since. Her dogs are of the highest pedigree and when we buy from her, we know we are getting the best! I keep telling my husband that I am ready for a third! If we do, we will definitely be getting him/her from Windchime Kennels!
Submitted by: Mike Lock on May 10, 2013
I bought a pup from Stacie last fall and Cleo is all I was looking for. She has done well in the field and the house. She has a nose like no other dog I have ever owned and has been a pleasure to train. I highly recommend Windchime pups to anyone looking for a super nice hunting dog.
Submitted by: Alex on May 10, 2013
I am very excited about my pup from Zara and Ruger. Gun has been in the field hunting since day 1 and still suprises me what a hard hunter he is. He can hunt and play all day and sleep on the couch at night. What a great pup! I love him to death. Thanks Stacie for helping pick the right pup for my hunting companion. I look for great things to come from Gun.
Submitted by: Emily on May 10, 2013
I bought my GSP from Stacie last fall Jodee is the best water pup. I live on the lake and was looking for a dog that would love the water and she does. She is always swimming. She is perfect! Thank you Scout and Trigger for Jodee. Everyone wants to know were I got her and I am proud to tell them to call Stacie at Windchime Kennels. Stacie owns her GSP and will help you pick the right one.
Submitted by: SHAWN on Apr 02, 2013
I highly recommend Windchime Kennels!!! I bought my pup Doc from Stacie and he is great! Training has been so easy and he loves hunting and playing. When I am ready for another GSP I will be getting it from Stacie at Windchime Kennels. Thanks for caring so much about this breed.
Submitted by: Howard on Mar 11, 2013
First off let me say how much we enjoy a GSP we bought last January from Stacie at Windchime Kennels We could have never asked for a better dog. I am already running guided hunts with Scout. Thank you for the excellent dog you have given us. He is simply amazing.
Submitted by: Tyler on Jan 26, 2013
Erin and I absolutely love Ridge! He's done extremely well and is crate trained and also goes to the door when he needs to potty. He's had very few accidents inside and has learned to sit and shake with both paws. He loves retrieving his toy birds and will begin training for hunting very soon. He's extremely lovable, cuddles with everyone, and gets along well with other dogs. At the vet today he weighed 17.5 lbs! He's growing so fast and is very smart! All good things! Thank you so much for a great family member!
Submitted by: Carol on Jan 26, 2013
Dixie is doing great and is a great little pup! She weighs 21 lbs and growing so fast. She has learned several commands. She is a great dog. Very active during the day and a lap dog on the couch at night. Just the dog we were looking for.
Submitted by: Preston on Jan 21, 2013
Saga had never seen a duck prior. We were jump shooting ducks on a large canal. She hit the water like a lab to retrieve the birds across and in the water. The temp was 28 Saturday morning. She jumped on the ducks but found them to be much larger than any quail she had seen and had trouble carrying. After encouragement she figured out how to grab them and swim back across the canal. She has really been a great little dog and hunting companion. She has successfully tracked wounded deer and located multiple predators that were shot and ran off. There is nothing that she has not adapted to, even our cat. I carry her coyote/turkey/deer/waterfowl an yes quail hunting. She can do all this and still sleep on the couch. I hope everyone knows the potential this great breed holds. She continues to amaze me. A dog that can run 20+ miles on a quail hunt and sit patiently and watch a predator/turkey/deer/waterfowl/etc approach us is simply astonishing. No one believes it when I tell them these stories except the privileged few that get to hunt with us. She has been the dog I was looking for. And to think this is her 1st year!!
Submitted by: Andy on Jan 16, 2013
I bought Ice from Stacie 3 years old and Ice only gets better with time. He is a complete hunting dog that was easy for me to train and wow what a nose he has. Thank you for helping me pick the right pup. He is everything you said he would be and more. I will only buy my pups from Stacie at Windchime kennels.
Submitted by: Missy on Jan 12, 2013
I bought my dog Kate from Windchime Kennels 3 years ago and she is great! We wanted a hunting dog that could also be a house pet and Kate is just that. When she is not out in the field hunting with my husband she is my house companion. We love her to death. Thank you Stacie for breeding the perfect dog.
Submitted by: Casey Sokol on Dec 16, 2012
We have had Inga now for almost 2 1/2 years now and still couldn't be happier. I am using Inga for guiding hunts on preserves and hunting woodcock and grouse. This season is going to be a very busy season for her and I am so excited! I have another male GSP that I hunt her with and they work superbly together. I think my male gets frustrated a bit because Inga almost always beats him to the bird for the retrieve. Thank you so much Windchime Kennels for such a well bred dog! God Bless
Submitted by: Alan on Dec 11, 2012
We are so pleased with our Windchime pup and he is a quick learner! He loves playing in the woods and creek behind the house. Took him to the Vet today and he is healthy and up to date on shots.
Submitted by: Kathleen on Dec 08, 2012
Hi Stacie...just wanted to let you know how much we are loving Mallard!! She is beautiful!! She was very calm riding home, but got car sick a couple of times...nothing we were too surprised about...a rather long ride for her first true outing!! She ran silly with McKenzie and wore herself slap out!! She is already spoiled rotten! It has been a pleasure dealing with you and thank you for keeping us informed along the way.
Submitted by: Chris on Nov 26, 2012
We got our GSP not too long ago from Stacie. Stacie is awesome to work with and takes great care of her dogs. We look forward to the next pup from Windchime Kennels. Stacie thank you so much for Zeke he is a great dog!
Chris and Autumn
Submitted by: John on Nov 19, 2012
I bought a GSP from Stacie because my friend has a dog from a former litter and he is such a nice dog. He is very laid back in the house, but always ready to go jogging or swimming. I am looking forward to putting a lot of miles on my pup from Windchime Kennels. Thanks Stacie!
Submitted by: Tom on Nov 18, 2012
Meet Stacie 6 years old when I bought Grace and Stacie still helps me with any questions I have. I just my GSP Grace for wild bird hunting and she is the best bird dog I have ever owned. If I ever get another GSP I will be getting it from Stacie at Windchime Kennels. Keep up the great breeding program you have. Thanks Tom
Submitted by: Alicia on Nov 16, 2012
We got Skinner from Stacie last year and he has become a big part of our family. Skinner has been very easy to train and we love him. Thank you!! Anyone looking for a great GSP talk with Stacie because she raising the very best.
Submitted by: Susan on Nov 12, 2012
I bought Ranger from Stacie last spring and he is wonderful. Always ready to go swimming and loves the water. We live on the lake and wanted a dog to fit our life style and Ranger is the perfect fit. Thank you for this great family companion. Susan
Submitted by: Tim on Nov 12, 2012
Jager started out doing great in the field at 10 weeks and has only excelled with time. He is now a year old and I am always excited to take him hunting. What a great dog! He points, retrieves and honors with such great style. Anyone looking for a great hunting dog go to Stacie at Windchime Kennel, You will not be disappointed. Thanks again Stacie.
Submitted by: Cody on Nov 12, 2012
Emma is doing great. My mom loves her, and she is a house dog! At first she was staying outside but since she has bonded so well with my mom she is in the house. Emma is the best jogging partner anyone could have. She loves to run and is the perfect house pet. Thanks for this perfect fit for us. Cody
Submitted by: Will on Nov 12, 2012
Moss is the best dog I have ever had and probably will ever have. He is an all around good dog. Gets along with everyone! He is a hunting machine. Thank you Windchime Kennel for breeding such great dogs!
Submitted by: NICK on Nov 04, 2012
I am buying my 2nd Shorthaired Pointer from Stacie and I know this pup will be as great a hunter and family companions as Abby is. I can't wait to get her. Thanks Stacie for raising such great dogs. Nick.
Submitted by: JOY on Oct 27, 2012
I am so proud of my dog from Windchime Kennels. Baylee only has 1 more pass to finish her AKC Senior Title. Baylee is a once in a lifetime dog. She passed her NAVHDA Natural Ability with a perfect score of 112. I am seriously looking to buy another pup from Stacie. I have seen her kennels and she runs a 1st class operation.
Submitted by: PAUL on Oct 26, 2012
I bought my GSP Stormy from Windchime Kennels 2 years age and am now purchasing another. Stacie breeds the best dogs. I recommend Windchime Kennels to anyone looking to buy a great hunting and family companion.
Submitted by: JEFF on Oct 26, 2012
I have a German Shorthaired Pointer from Windchime Kennels and she is great! Dolly is a best hunting dog I have ever had. She is everything I could ask for. Thank you for raising such nice dogs. Jeff
Submitted by: MIKE on Oct 26, 2012
Stacie thank you for all your help with Belle she everything and does everything you said she would! What a super nice hunting dog she is. Thank you again Mike.
Submitted by: Larry on Oct 26, 2012
I bought Ralph from Windchime Kennels last year and he is my family's outdoor companion. Ralph knows every dog trick there is and is alway ready to play. We love him! Thank you Stacie for providing us such a great family companion.
Submitted by: Dan on Sep 23, 2012
I bought my dog Tom from Stacie 3 years ago and he is an excellent wild bird dog. Every year I am more excited when I take him hunting. If I every buy another dog I know where he will come from..Windchime Kennel! Thanks for breeding such great dogs.
Submitted by: Evan on Sep 02, 2012
Moose LOVES to swim in the pool at Wade's parent's house!! Last time we were there he swam laps for 8 hours straight (stopping on the steps for breaks here and there when he needed to). We also take him to the beach and he swims his heart out there too, even jumping huge breaker waves!! He absolutely loves the water! He is a great dog and loves people. We are so thankful for him, and glad that we found you who gave us such a great dog!! Evan
Submitted by: Mike on Aug 17, 2012
I bought a started pup from Stacie at Windchime Kennels and he is GREAT! Striker has done very well in the field for me. He's steady to shot and retrieves to hand. If you are looking for a new pup or a started pup Stacie at Windchime is the person to see.
Submitted by: Preston on Mar 11, 2012
Sage is adjusting very well. This was her first quail retrieves today at 3months old. She has performed beyond any expectations for her age. She has been hunting with the "Big Dogs" and thinks she can keep up. She tries with all her stamina and will not give up. She is a very fast learner & is quickly responding to hand signals to fetch blind retrieves. She also loves the water; a big plus for where I hunt and also bath time.
Submitted by: ARLEEN on Feb 23, 2012
We are so looking forward to having another dog. We were so impressed with one of your dogs we saw last year while in Charleston. Can wait to take her hunting out west. Arleen
Submitted by: DEE on Feb 23, 2012
Thank you so much for all of the information, time & pictures. We are thrilled to have found you & your pups.
Submitted by: T C on Nov 30, 2011
Thanks for your incite last week on Ty's stomach issues. The vet has put him on a month's worth of antibiotics so hopefully that will knock out whatever is hanging around. He is a pointing machine!! Thanks again for your help, Ty is a perfect fit for us.
Submitted by: HUGO on Nov 30, 2011
Hi Stacie.
Thank you for all the quick responses.
He's great and we are so excited to go Pheasant hunting with Sparky. You guys have no idea what this dog has done for my father. He's not been the same since the other Sparky developed some sort of blood disorder and the Hospital had to put him to sleep. I am so thankful to all of you and especially to Sparky, it couldn't come in a better time.
Thanks everyone.
Submitted by: dennis on Nov 01, 2011
Stacey,Is the best GAP breeder I know.We just purchased Nick a one year old started dog for my 14 year old son.Took her out she pointed a pheasant we shot it and retrieved to hand.We are in heaven.Call for a reference 360 219219 8181
Submitted by: M. ANDERSON on Sep 25, 2011
River is a wonderful addition to my home with tons of energy. She will "Whoa" on command, pointing, and retrieving well. Not to mention she loves the water. She seems to be a little smaller than I thought she would be but I enjoy her petite size because she is always riding in the cab of my truck or laying beside me on the couch.
I have told several people about your kennels. River was recieving all of the attention this past winter when I took her to the Wildlife Expo in Charleston.
Submitted by: Carol Carver on Jun 06, 2011
We are so pleased with Ruger. It seems like all he has to do is be shown something and he has it. We keep waiting and expecting him to look at us with that "You want me to do what" look that all Shorthairs get sometimes. It sure hasn't happened yet. He has been such a joy to have around and has certainly brightened our days. His first trip to Michigan will be this fall and I'll keep you posted. Carol
Submitted by: Donna Blanton on May 25, 2011
When I came across Windchime Kennels and Stacie I was looking for a German Shorthair Pointer that we could take hunting and keep in the house as a companion. I picked up River and fell in love! We ended up calling him Brady River! He will be six months old on May 27th. He is totally housebroken, and he is a natural hunter. He started pointing birds immediatley. We have had and raised many bird dogs over the years, and Brady River is the smartest pup to date. He loves the water, so much you can't fill up the tub and forget to close the bathroom door, or you will miss him and find him playing in the tub. He is great with my two nephews as well. We play baseball in the backyard regularly and Brady is the best outfielder in the world! The kids love it! He retrieves anything you throw, for as long as you will throw it. We love Brady River and now we have a favorite breeder! Stacie! When we are ready for another I'll be heading to Chester! I am so glad we found you that Sunday morning on the internet! Thanks for everything, David and Donna Blanton
Submitted by: MATTHEW on Jul 07, 2010
I got your information from a veterinarian in Charleston, South Carolina. I am on my honeymoon in Hilton Head and my wife and I are looking for a puppy. I just picked a vet at random to call and they were so polite and helpful. And they sang your praises. At any rate, be well and may God bless
Submitted by: John on Mar 25, 2010
Thank you so much to Stacie and Windchime Kennels for bringing our little boy George into our life!
He is an absolute joy to have around. He is always ready to play and loves to socialize with other pups at the dog park and beach(none are cuter than ours, of course).
He is also very intelligent and seemed to learn all of the basic commands almost immediately.
Thanks again Stacie(and Ruger and Scout)!
Submitted by: Jonathan Franklin on Mar 25, 2010
Colby has been a joy to have around the house. He is a very well balanced dog, energetic, eager to please and to learn and responds well to discipline. I've had labs, english setters, a sheltie, and I'm proud to say Colby is by far the most intelligent dog I've ever had as well as the quickest to train. He loves children and is very good with my nieces (3 and 2), which is very good because they're very active and are constantly crawling and climbing all over him. They've even stuck their hand in his food bowl while he's eating and he didn't even flinch. The same goes in public, he has never met a stranger and just wants to lick and play with everyone (and everything) he sees. Great with other dogs and our cat even though our cat despises dogs haha. He's begun training to hunt quail and is picking up very quickly, great natural instinct, it is an absolute joy to train this breed.
Stacey is an excellent breeder that is quick to respond, friendly, and very reputable. If you get a dog from her, you're getting the real deal, an excellent hunting dog true to standards and the best family companion you could ever wish for, I can't recommend windchime highly enough
Submitted by: BLAINE on Mar 02, 2010
Buck and I have had so much fun with each other over the past 5 months and he is growing up to be quite the companion. It has been fantastic with him and everyday is better and better!
Thanks again for your recommendatons - You would not believe how many people ask where he came from, so don't be surprised to get some future business from the Greenville area.
Submitted by: Joy Fleming on Jan 12, 2010
I am very pleased with my pup that came from Windchime Kennels. I never really wanted a GSP, but have had the pleasure of becoming friends with Stacie and her family and eventually fell in love with the breed. "Baylee" won my heart immediately with her loving devotion to me and my husband. She is now 4 1/2 months old and has already pointed and stood to flush her first bird. She comes from excellent bloodlines and I have been absolutely amazed at the competiveness shown from her parents, Scout and Ruger. Baylee is not only going to be our housedog, but my field trial dog, as I hope to enter her in her first trial in April if all continues as planned.
Windchime Kennels is very clean and operated with exceptional rules that produces beautiful and healthy dogs. I would recommend anyone searching for a GSP to consider Winchime Kennels.
Submitted by: Christopher on Jan 10, 2010
We are very pleased with our little "pistol" Bristol. She is a fun loving pup, with a CAN DO personality and is always eager to learn something new...especially for a treat. She will most definitely be a loving companion and has already displayed many great hunting instincts. She is 14 weeks old and had her first field class today, she is a quick learner and has our family excited for future hunting experiences. Our only complaint was that she wasn't bathed before being picked up.
Submitted by: David Bounds on Jan 04, 2010
We bought Shelby in June of 08. She is very well tempered and is adored by all who meet her. I believe she thinks our children are her's. My experience is with Labs/retrievers so she is trained as such. She is alot of fun and very eager to please. She points a thousand times a day and everytime still gets me excited..what a dog. Thanks Stacie, Yall are awesome.
Submitted by: JIM on Dec 26, 2009
I am so very thrilled and pleased with Diva. She is 12 weeks old and already house trained. She is very smart and has much desire to please.
Submitted by: Justin on Dec 16, 2009
I have been more than satisfied with Windchime Kennels and Stacie as a breeder. Boots is absolutely gorgeous (and huge!) and is always a bundle of energy. Sometimes he is a little too smart, but he has taken well to basic training. I always get compliments (professional and personal) on his temperament, his coloring and ticking, and his willingness to play with anyone young or old. Although he may wear my arm out from constantly playing fetch, he is an excellent dog and companion. I have given Stacie's information to anyone who asks where I bought such an excellent dog.
Submitted by: David Douglass on Dec 14, 2009
I couldn't be happier about my pup I got from Windchime. He is easy going, well adjusted, and eager to learn. When it comes time to get another GSP I will definitely give Stacie a call!!
Submitted by: Elaine on Dec 08, 2009
All is well with Brandy, she is good natured, energetic, and loves people. Our Vets think you did a great job and so do we. I would recommend Windchime Kennels to anyone.
Submitted by: Brendan McCoy on Nov 16, 2009
Everything is going well with my 5 month old pup Samson, I bought from Windchime Kennels. He is very smart and loving and he has the greatest personality. He is house trained and knows 6 or 7 commands already, I have never seen a puppy learn so soon!
Submitted by: David Bennett on Nov 03, 2009
I had a very positive experience with Windchime Kennels and have recommended them to friends. My pup, Ruger, is now 16 weeks and is doing great. He has an older brother, Remington, who is a Weimaraner. They are inseparable.
Submitted by: Jacie on Nov 03, 2009
I absolutely LOVE my GSP puppy, Trigger. He is an adorable puppy and can't wait to start hunting with him. His parents are beautiful and I just know this new addition to our family will be just as nice a dog as the parents. I would highly recommend Windchime Kennels for your next puppy. These dogs are so friendly and outgoing. You will not be disappointed!
Submitted by: Nikki Palmer on Nov 02, 2009
We recently purchased a male GSP from this kennel and are 100% satisfies with the experience. The kennel is very well taken care of and the dogs are very healthy. When we took our Basso to the vet, our vet wanted to know where we bought the dog because he had all his parvovirus vaccinations and was in great health. We highly recommend this kennel to anyone looking for a GSP!
Submitted by: GWEN ANDERSON on Jul 12, 2009
I live on the lake with Ziggy my year old shorthair and she really loves the water. She swims for hours every day. Everyone tells me they have never seen a dog that loves the water like Zig does. She is very healthy and full of energy. I would recommend anyone that wants a waterdog to contact Stacie at Windchime Kennels.
Submitted by: Lindsey & Brian Felton on Nov 20, 2008
We are in love with our GSP named Deets. He was born on May 19th 2007. He is a very healthy, smart, and gentle dog. Potty training with him was a breeze! Me and my husband got him about a month after we married and he was a great first addition to our family. We don't know what we would do without him. Thanks Windchime Kennels for breeding such a sweet, handsome dog!
Submitted by: Greg Russell on Nov 17, 2008
Wyatt (Windchime's Whimsical McLovin Wyatt) has been an absolute delight around the house. He's my first bird dog and never ceases to amaze me with his natural abilities. I find that training Wyatt has been nothing short of pleasurable. It doesn't matter where we go, I get complements all the time about his behavior and maturity, even at 6 months. When I picked up Wyatt, Stacie told me "We're here to help any way we can." They always welcome a visit from the two of us and have helped get Wyatt in the water and retrieving better than I could have done alone. If it were possible to have another GSP around our home, I wouldn't think twice about contacting Stacie or hesitate recommending Windchime Kennels to anyone for their GSP. Thanks for our newest family member and your continued help with Wyatt.
Submitted by: William Haulenbeek on Nov 02, 2008
I am so very pleased with Windchime kennels. Layla is about 6 months old, very smart and healthy. She loves pointing and chasing anything that moves in the yard. Her training is going well and I am excited to have a happy, healthy and great looking dog.
Submitted by: Chuck and Kris Fedorka on Oct 30, 2008
I would highly recommend Windchime Kennels to anyone looking for a wonderful GSP. Izzy is now 5 months old and she has been a pleasure to train, is great with our kids, and loves to mix it up with our two adult cats. She is a very healthy, bright and playful pup! Stacie and her family were a pleasure to deal with.
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