We breed quality Wirehaired Pointing Griffons with a strong drive, excellent temperament & superior nose. All of our breeding stock have had their hips tested either PennHip or OFA and have proven to be at the top their breed. In addition, we also have either tested all of our breeding stock to ensured they are KBKB or ensured that they are KBKB by parentage. The eyes on our breeding stock are OFA clear and thyroid normal and all of our dogs are dual registered NAVHDA/AKC. We hunt our dogs every week during bird season and they have proven to be outstanding in the field as well as outstanding companions at home. We also hunt test our dogs through NAVHDA and AKC to the highest level as we believe this is an important factor in determining the biddability of our breeding lines. The bloodlines of our pups are unparalleled. Although we sell our pups, we believe whole-heartedly that we are still responsible for their and your development and are always here to help you!
Submitted by: Trixie and John Felix on Nov 06, 2018
Our beautiful pup "Lady Acer" is from the F litter. The day we picked her up she picked us out, and she is a tremendous athlete.
With a combined total years of dog experience covering all the way from Hounds two Yorkies, (49+ years) to various flushing and pointing breeds this dog stands out! This is not about us so make no mistake this is about Shiok Ridge Kennels. They have been true and steady to the information they shared from the start to today, total commitment.
From the first day that we picked Ace up, to today (10 months later) she has been about everything birds, and pointing. She scored 112 in her Natural Ability test, she has come along extremely well in her ability to follow commands and learn quickly. She transitioned from pigeons to grouse, ducks, chukers, and pheasants from 6 1/2 months old to today. She retrieves to hand albeit sometimes a little slow and loves to work and learn.
Kelley and Erika have been true to the breed by keeping them pure. It was a wonderful experience when we attended the puppy introduction at their kennel. Both their knowledge of the breed and of other breeds including their skills of training is tremendous. It was awesome watching them work the dogs and how they taught all of us.
With us living so far away we were not able to attend all the training sessions, however they were always there every time we called with advice and knowledge.
We highly recommend this breed and Shiok Ridge Kennels. If anyone is looking to purchase a Griffon look no further.
Thank you Kelley and Erika
John and Trixie
Submitted by: Ross on Oct 15, 2018
I am no expert when it comes to bird dogs, but I can say that my experience getting a pup from Kelley and Erika has been fantastic. I knew absolutely nothing about training a dog to hunt; or bird hunting in general before getting "Uma". I'm really not sure what happened but after seeing my pup and some older Shiok Ridge dogs work in the field last summer, I became hooked. I've learned a ton in the last year from Kelley and Erika. I am very grateful for all of the knowledge they have shared with me. Uma earned a prize 1 at her NAVHDA natural ability test this summer and is a freak in the woods. She's also great with my three young boys and a huge couch potato when not hunting. I could not be any happier with my dog and experience with Shiok Ridge. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a high quality Griff!
Submitted by: Julie & Dick Kostner on Sep 04, 2017
We consider ourselves very fortunate to have found Shiok Ridge Kennel and Kelley and Erika. They worked with us to train our one year old WPG for the NAVHDA NA testing.
Kelley is patient, energetic, committed, and knowledgeable. He was willing to assist and put in whatever time was necessary to have our dog ready.
Erika is extremely helpful with any questions pertaining to NAVHDA testing, behavior and training your dog to be a good family member.
Kelley strongly believes in training the handler and his training methods enabled our WPG, Seger to maximize her potential resulting in a perfect score and earning a Prize 1 in her recent NAVHDA NA test.
During the training and testing sessions we met so many wonderful handlers from the Shiok Ridge family. Even though we have completed our NA test, we look forward to interacting with them in the future and continuing our friendship with Kelley and Erika.
Submitted by: Mike on Aug 21, 2017
We picked up our WPG pup last June and have now had just over a year to work with him and I can honestly say I am overjoyed with the quality and performance of the dog. Kelley and Erika have been wonderful to train with adding excellent, timely advice and always making themselves available for question.
Our "Blaser" is in a family environment and does extremely well with our young children. His temperament is perfectly suited for a family type setting where he enjoys the frequent companionship of all members.
In the field, he has tremendous "bird drive" that seems insatiable coupled with an unparalleled nose; both desirable traits that just can't be taught or trained. In addition he is very cooperative and picks up new things with relative ease.
Shiok Ridge Kennel is a first class operation that consistently produces top quality and high performance Griffs. I personally recommend them if you desire the best in a breed and they are always available to help you succeed.
Submitted by: Larry on Jul 14, 2017
I have a WPG out of the "B" litter. She has been impressive since I brought her home. Kelly & Erica have been very supportive in my training & the dogs as well. Baroness was in the dove field at 5 months & in the north woods chasing wood cock & grouse at 7 months. She is now 15 months old and has her NAVHDA NA prize 1 & AKC JH title. She hunts with confidence & energy in the field & is a great house dog with my two girls & other dog. I would strongly recommend Shiok Ridge if you are looking to get a great hunting partner and call your breeder your friend after the purchase.
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