We are a small family operated kennel. We only breed once a year or every other year. Select line breeding has proven to be the most successful over the years...My sire and female(s) are from proven, classy field trial parents that are easy to train and will hunt for the foot hunter. My standard for years has been "GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTERS FOR THE DISCRIMINATING SPORTSMAN" My puppies are 100% guaranteed to be free from any abnormalities. References will be made available along with pedigree's.
Submitted by: Carl Porter on Nov 16, 2013
Ron has given me a number of dogs over the years and most of them have become my brood stock. His dogs are some of the nicest i've gotten anywere. Thanks to Ron my breeding program has improved 100%. Thanks Ron!
Submitted by: Ron Weeks on Jun 12, 2013
I've bought 5 pups from Ron over the past 15 years & have been very pleased w/every one of them. The most recent one will be 1 yr old in July (out of the Max/KC breeding). I currently have her with a professional trainer who told a mutual friend of mine that she may be the best dog I have ever sent to him for training. Every pup I have owned from Skyline Kennels has had strong hunting instincts, been easy to train, and very good as competition and foot hunting companions.
Submitted by: Mark Gillman on Jun 12, 2013
Anyone interested in a quality hunting companion this is your chance. Though I have always had great GSP, I always wanted one of Rons dogs because they not only hunt like heck - they look dang good doing it. I finally took the opportunity 2 years ago a picked a pup that I think will be one of the best hunters I have ever owned. I am involved with a pheasant hunting preserve and I guide 80-100 hunts per season. This dog "Jimmer" can be summed up in three words: Stamina, Smarts, Style. This will be his first big year - can't wait.
Submitted by: Randy Shelley on Jun 11, 2013
I have been involved with training KC and two puppies out of these dogs over the past three years. I currently own one out out of KC and Max and I am training another out of Max. I have hunted shorthairs my whole life from other lines and have been disappointed because they will not hold wild chuckers. I have found the puppies from KC and Max to have exceptional pointing instincts and are easy to train. You will not do wrong with a puppie out of this litter.
Submitted by: Sam giles on Jun 12, 2012
just wanted to thank you so much for my pup out of MAX & K.C.He did great his first season so NATURAL at everything because i know nothing about training a dog.I hope you breed MAX & K.C. again.THose puppies owners will be very pleased like me i'm sure thanks again sam.
Submitted by: Kamas Wing on Nov 18, 2011
Ron is the top of the line when it comes to shorthairs. He really knows his stuff and is a great mentor. His pups always produce!
Submitted by: Gene johanson on Jul 21, 2011
Ron thanks for letting me come over to your house and finally picking out a pup.You told me don't come look at my pups until i look at 2 or 3 other litters of pups i thought you were crazy,well i looked at 4 other litters in the SALT LAKE area and i liked them all,then my wife and i came to look at your pups you were right what a difference everyone nice white pups with solid liver heads and STRAIT UP TAILS talk about making it hard to pick a pup.thanks for showing me the difference.
Submitted by: Aaron Bolli on Jul 06, 2011
Ron, its been a pleasure getting to know you and your family. The best short-hairs I own have come from you. Your 30 years experience shows. Thanks again for all your help.
Submitted by: J. Hilkert on Jul 04, 2011
Ron Miller is not only very knowledgeable about the breed, he is also very helpful and honest in his dealings. The proof is in the pudding...his dogs are fantastic!
Submitted by: david christy on Jun 21, 2011
just wanted to let you know our pup max out of your dog max turned out to be just like his dad just what we wanted, what a great bird dog.....
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