We are a full-time gundog training facility, that has a few litters out of AKC titled and health tested parents every year.
Submitted by: Adam Bally on Aug 11, 2009
I bought a started black lab female from Rusty this past winter at bird dog challenge nationals. I am very pleased she is doing great. She is holding a satunch point marking birds out 250 300 yards now and running blinds just as hard as her marks. The training he had done on her was great. she was force fetched very well and very good on her obedience. It has been easy to continue her training when he laid down such a solid base to work with. Adam Northern Illinois
Submitted by: Hayden Guynes on Jun 23, 2009
i bought a puppy from one of millies litter, and i am in middle school so i didnt have any more money to get her trained like i wanted to but when i didnt know what to do to fix a habbit she had, rusty had no problem telling me what to do. he tells me alot of tips to train her when i need them. she is a great hunter and picks up what where teaching her real fast. if your looking for a puppy i would get one from trigger time kennels.
Submitted by: hunter demo on Apr 08, 2009
hi i am hunter and i purchased a puppy from the hunter/millie litter and i am very happy with my puppy she has an exellent nose and i can not keep my dog ace out of the water she loves to duck hunt and she goes crazy for a pheasant . i would just like to say thank you to rusty.
Submitted by: Chris on Jan 14, 2009
I was also lucky enough to get a pup out of Millie's 2nd litter. His name is MacMillen and he is outstanding. For the type of hunting I do, I knew what I wanted and needed, and Rusty delivered with this pup. His nose is unbelievable and he is extremely birdy. He is a natural at retrieving. Mac also has great character and loves everyone. Mac picks up new training quickly and seems willing to learn at all times.
Rusty was great to deal with from the first phone call I had with him. He was always willing to talk and give updates before we picked him up, and he always takes my calls when I need tips, or just to get updates on Mac. It is obvious that Rusty knows what he is doing, and it's nice to find someone who cares about what your training needs are. He definitely knows good matches for breeding--as his puppies have proven themselves not just in the tournament circut, but also out in the "wild" chasing late season pheasants. I cannot wait until the next season to watch Mac work.
I wish Trigger Time Kennels the best of luck, and would recommend Rusty to Anyone looking for that irreplaceable Lab. Good luck all!
Submitted by: Cheyanne Bell on Jan 06, 2009
We purchased a puppy from Rusty out of Millie’s 2nd litter of pups and have been very pleased with him. Tango is a very handsome, happy, extremely smart, yellow lab with a great temperament. He is a great dog and has been a terrific addition to our family. He has been very trainable and it has been fun to watch his progress. As a breeder, Rusty is dedicated to finding great homes for all of the puppies that are whelped. He would frequently follow-up to see how Tango was doing after we took him home. He would also not bat an eye if we called and had to ask questions about simple training type stuff. When it came time to send Tango to a trainer, it was not a difficult decision where we were going to send him. As a trainer, Rusty is unbelievably committed to making the best of the dogs that he trains. He trains in a manner that is most suitable for you and what you want to use your dog for. He will train to whatever level you want your dog, whether you want basic obedience done, a fine hunting companion, a hunt test titled dog, or a competitive upland hunting dog. It is very apparent when you see Rusty training dogs or hear him talking about the dogs that he is training that he takes a huge amount of pride in the work that he does. In the short amount of time that Rusty has been training Tango, Tango has made some amazing strides. Rusty calls with frequent updates. He will send pictures or video clips showing us the progress that he has made. Rusty looks forward to seeing these puppies become awesome hunting companions. You can tell that he truly loves what he is doing and we couldn’t be happier with Tango or Rusty.
Submitted by: josh menard on Jan 03, 2009
When I first got my pup from Rusty out of Millie. I really had no idea what to look for in a dog except the for health guarantees. I didn't know the first thing about training a dog. I was worried about just leaving my new puppy at some kennel to get trained and me not being there for her. Rusty called me when she was about four months old and asked me what I was going to do for training and offered me a plan that worked for me, so I took it. Then the work began. Rusty worked with her & me for about 1 month and Daisy Mae was already entered in her first Bird Dog Challenge event. She took 3rd place at 6 months of age. Rusty kept working with her and always asked me what I would like done not just assuming. At about a year and a half old Daisy Mae is one of the 2008 BDC World Championship finalists. Rusty knows what he is doing. He is easy going,committed and trust-worthy. One of the only few who I would trust with my million dollar pup.
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