Pursuit Brittanys is a small hobby kennel and home to FC Pursuit's Flashy Rose, AF CH/FC Pursuit's Li'l Phoenix, and Pursuit's Broadway Glitz.� We offer high quality breedings for discerning�clients looking for�Brittany puppies that�hold great potential for�competition(s), hunting, and/or as superior family companons.�� Our Brittanys are primarily�descended from NFC/FC Beans Blaze HOF, DC Scipio's Little Chick HOF, NFC FC/AFC�Hi-Proof Rum Runner HOF, and FC/AFC Chubasco II.� We believe linebreeding is the surest way to produce great individuals, improve the breed, �and deliver high performance birddogs.� Our dams are�experienced field trialers with multiple placements and field championships. The stud dogs we use are high achievement dogs that�typically trace to our chosen foundation lines.��Some of the stud dogs we used to date include NFC/NAFC/FC/AFC Just Call Me Roy HOF, DC/AFC The Whiz Kid, GFC/FC/AFC One Off Mojito Mike, NAFC/FC Piney Run Sam, Am DC/Can DC Kinwashkly Dirty Ned Pepper and DC Powder River's Nobody But Me, NAGDC Sniksoh Hank's Hatch and GFC/AFC I'm Your Man.� We are continually looking to find stud dogs that have the "right stuff" that "fit" the lines we have.� While we believe strongly in linebreeding we will from time to time go outside our direct lines to bring in traits that promise to�add strength to our existing line(s).