Dakota Wirehairs - North Dakota German Wirehaired Pointer Breeders
About Dakota Wirehairs
Breeder of to German Wirehaired Pointers Since 1976
Puppies Available--Now!!
We are here, full time, to help you pick your next Best Friend.
Hunting Dog Breeds Raised
German Wirehaired Pointer
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Testimonials (4)
Submitted by: Kevin Shell on Nov 12, 2012
Just bought my second pup from Gary. The first pup (Shiloh) was the best dog I have ever hunted over. And that is going back some 33 years. Stamina, power, drive and ease of training are just a few of the many attributes found in this outstanding line of breeding that Gary has developed. He was also the best family, house and traveling dog I've ever had. I was not going to hunt the new pup (Griff) this year as he was only 4 1/2 months old on opening day. However, he threw such a fit when I left opening morning that my wife called me back to the house and made me take him with just to shut him up. He flushed a small juvenile rooster that day and I was lucky enough to put it on the ground. He retrieved the bird "to hand" and was praised handsomely. He spent the rest of the day strutting around like he was best rooster dog around. He just passed 5 1/2 months and was recently at the vet getting a checkup. The dog already weighs 38.2 lbs! If you want that combination of family pet and serious hunting companion, I urge you to contact Gary.
Submitted by: Tim Blevins on Aug 30, 2009
We have purchased 2 dogs fro Gary and are thinking about getting another one. These dogs have met all of our expectations. Thanks Gary.
Submitted by: Bill King on Mar 04, 2009
In March of 2008 I purchased my first pup from Gary. When I picked him up, Gary told me that I would be hunting over him (at 10 months old) this fall and I thought Gary was nuts. We went to SD for a weekend hunt and my pup (Cooper)learned a lot the first day. On day 2 we walked a lot of CRP and Cooper was pointing and making full retrieves. He was hunting like a five year old master. Cooper is now a year and two months old and clearly the best hunting dog I have ever owned. I have three children and also makes a great family companion. I purchased my second pup from Gary in February of 2009. I can tell already that she is going to be awesome. Gary's dogs are easy to train and love to please their owner. Thanks Gary!!
Submitted by: Ben Jolley on Oct 11, 2007
I can honestly say Gary has done a fanominal job breeding a loveable hunting companion for any family. These dogs were truly born to please thier master and my dog has just a ton of natural ability to hunt. I have trained a few dogs over the years and this one was by far the easiest. I know it wsan't me because I have used the same program for all of them. It got to the point ware I was able to skip a few steps along the way just because of his natural instincts to point and retreive. I highly recomend that anyone whow is serouis about getting a dog at least talk to Gary. It may be the difference between alot of hard work, time and Energy spent doing what you have to instead of doing what you should......Hunting!
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