Fall Brook Run - New York Small Munsterlander Breeders
About Fall Brook Run
This J-Litter between Fall Brook Run's VC Dux and Britta vom Nikolausdorfer Hof, will be whelped in February 2021, pups can go home in April of 2021.Fall Brook Run breeds quality versatile hunting dogs noted for excellence in field, water, and forest. THE REASON:1) to show that the small munsterlander is as true a versatile hunting dog as any; 2) to insure the quality of hunting abilities and the continuation of our pups excellent genetic health; 3) to install confidence in the owners ability to train a pup and continue on to enjoy all that a versatile hunting dog has to offer, at home, in the field, in the forest and in the water. The dog that started it all VC Bou here at Fall Brook Run when he achieved the 2005 Invitational title of VC and became the 2nd ever Small Munsterlanderto be a Versatile Champion of North America (VC), since then his son Fall Brook Run's VC Dux has carried the torch as a Versatile Champion as well, siring excellent pups, now 51 pups later he is siring the Litter, a repeat breeding of the G, H, and I-Litters two of which have received the NAVHDA BREEDERS AWARD, the third litter the I is still too young yet. that hunt test. Britta vom Nikolausdorfer Hof is imported from Germany, this is her first breeding, she has a Prize 1 in the NAVHDA Natural Abillity Test, she was born in the spring of 2019. Please note here that we are not a puppy mill as we set the standard for great genetics from proven imported lines and hunting abilities, and by breeding only with our two VCs Versatile Champions, VC Bou, and his son VC Dux, with well over 100 puppies, all genetically healthy, since our first litter in 2005, we have thoroughly taken care of our side, in supplying you the best there is to offer... Our breeding is a North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) registered breeding with a 3 year health guarantee, pup owners are required to take the NAVHDA Natural Ability Test. If you are interested in having a pup which is bred for temperament, typical of the FCI breed standard, truly a working dog, great in the family, and as a cooperative hunter in field, water, and forest, then START HERE, go first to www.fallbrookrun.com to access a Pup Buyer Questionaire to start the process. Take a long look at our dogs there on our website, and come by the kennel to meet them have a cup of coffee, watch them work in person, or hunt over them, on the website you can settle for the next best option where on the Media Page we have 20 years of our work showing Excellence in Field, Water, and Forest...... enjoy the show. The Best, Mark Bulvanoski
Hunting Dog Breeds Raised
Small Munsterlander
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Hunting, Training, Stud Services
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