We have not advertised a lot do to we usually only breed for our own hunting use. All though we have sold a few dogs Over the yrs that were vary nice above average hounds that became repeat customer and friends our Goal is raise quality Tree dogs that go hunting instead of quantity Our Bloodlines consist of what we think is some of the best Breeding that the breed has to offer in a quality hunting dog. Our English coon hound are Tree dog that go Hunting !! I want to list the present dogs that we have and use for hunting real live raccoon here in NY state.
At this time we are introducing Nite CH.CH PR Ludwig's All Grand Doc Holliday a 6yr old . Sire is GRNITECH PR RAGANS REBEL THUNDER and Gr Nite Ch PR Country Hollow Freebie Doc has a all grand pedigree. He is Bluetick in color and between 65-70 lbs. he has 2 wins in ukc toward Grand. We will try to finish him by the end of 2016 Doc is Co owned by Dave Holsinger of Stoud Ohio. Do is being offered public Stud. His Fee 250.00
We have added a couple new females to our kennel MAIN STREET Annie her sire is*GR NITE CH PKC PLATINUM CH MAIN STREET MAX and *GR NITE 'PR'TURMAN CREEK CRAZY KATE
Annie has a UKC 1st and a 3rd place win she also qualified for 2015 ukc world championship hunt last yr. Plan is to finish Anne this yr. Annie was Bred to Doc on March 15th 2016 She had 8 perfect puppies on May 22 2016. we will offer a couple pups to the public at 250.00 each first come first serve basis unless you book a pup now for 50.00 you can reserve your pup till weened. they wont last long folks.
We also have Run em up all night Pearl 3yr old female a Dimond in the rough sire is GRNITECH GRCH PR MEMORYMAKER RUN EM UP RAZOR and---GRNITECH GRCH PR JAMIES LITTLE TRASHY DAISEY. Pearl is Blue tick in color she runs with a bawl/chop mouth on track and trees with a nice clear bawl and turning it over to a ringing chop when treed. She is independent and likes to get treed alone.