Submitted by: julie kuhlmann on Jan 24, 2017
We brought Sadie home this summer. She was easy to house train. My husband has been working with her. She hunts the heavy stuff really well. Working on the retrieving but she is figuring it out. She is about 9 months old she is a natural and we were going to send her to a trainer, but decided that we didn't need to. We are very happy with her. We would recommend Mark to anyone looking for a short hair.
Submitted by: Tim Daum on Dec 12, 2016
Benelli stole our hearts in July 2016, she was the perfect fit for us. From the start she was easy to house train and adapted well to our family. She is our first full liver pointer and is absolutely beautiful. At 6 months she enjoyed her first pheasant hunt in South Dakota. She did a top notch job right alongside the older dogs in the field. She pointed and retrieved right off the bat. Nelli is the perfect combination of a family dog and hunter. We were able to train her ourselves without sending her to a trainer. Her instincts and disposition make for a great hunting partner in the field and a well behaved, affectionate companion in our home. We couldn't be more happy with our pup from Fisher Creek Kennels.
Submitted by: Chris Reimers on Sep 19, 2016
Nothing but great things to say about Mark and his dogs. Mark was very accommodating in providing info on dogs and allowing plenty of time with the litter during the selection process. I have a five month old female out of the most recent litter. Addie is proving to become a great pet and instinctful hunter.
Submitted by: Ange Mallas on Sep 10, 2016
This year I had to put my 11 1/2 year old German shorthair to sleep. I was looking for an a liver short hair puppy, which was somewhat difficult. After calling numerous kennels, I talked to Mark. He couldn't guarantee me (obviously) that his female was going to throw all liver short hairs, but he said he was pretty sure she would at least have a couple all liver shorthairs.
After calling him contiuosly about the birth
of the puppies, they finally were born at the end of April. He had two all liver shorthairs, one was a female, and one was a male.
I told him I really wanted the female because that was what my first short hair was. When I went to look at them, the female was much larger than the male, and the male was somewhat meek, smaller puppy out of all of the litter. I once again said I would rather have the female, but it didn't really matter to me because I was going to have them neutered or spayed- regardless.
When I went to pick my puppy up, he asked me if I was really set on having the female, and I told him I didn't really care as long as I got one of the all liver puppies. Another person wanted the female to use for breeding, and I could understand that, so I took the little shy male puppy home.
He was shy for a day, and after that- being away from the rest of the litter- he became a King. He came out of his shell, and he is awesome.
My husband bought a red female lab, who is about 4 weeks older than my puppy- named Rueger, they get along great, play great together, best friends.
He is 4 1/2 months old and retrieving great.
He has paws like saucers, which I never noticed when I picked him up, but he's going to be a big dog. He minds well, plus he's a lover. He's my baby.
We'll never take him to trials, but at 4 1/2 months old, I know he's going to be one of the best dogs to hunt behind. He has the nose, he has the passion, and he has the abiltiy to be one heck of a dog. He's one of those dogs you find once in a lifetime.
Submitted by: Bob Rinke on Aug 25, 2016
I picked Doug up when he was 8 weeks old 3.5 years ago & he has been a great Upland Hunting partner ever since. I new we had a great GSP as he was pointing pheasant wings right out of the box @ 8 weeks. He now does it all from long points to water retrieve's. We have alot of fun hunting in North Dakota where the fields are huge & that is where Doug really stands out and holds solid points waiting for me to catch up. He is my all around Champion Upland gun dog friend & team mate.
Thanks Mark
Submitted by: Tom gallucci on Aug 08, 2016
I received my pup from Mark in April of 2015. Nala was a shy little pup but that didn't last long. Within the first few weeks she was pointing at wings that I would hide in the yard for her and by September I had her on chuckars. I continued working with her and wasn't sure if she would be ready to hunt by October. I barrel trained her to woah and continued with birds thru October. Making sure she was always having fun while training. Come November she had her big day in the field out hunting with the big dogs. Since then Nala has been unstoppable and her and her sister Riley who is my Senior hunting dog also a GSP are the best pets I've ever owned. I highly recommend Fisher creek kennels to anyone who enjoys hunting as well as a great family companion.
Submitted by: Curtis Burback on Jul 29, 2013
I Bought Griffey Jr. from Mark in Feb. 2012 from the litter of Hanna and Griffey. This dog is not only a rock solid hunter but also a fantastic family dog. I have taken Griffey through professionally taught "Do-It-Yourself" classes in which the trainers work one on one with you and the dog. Griffey was only 6 months old at the time (the second youngest dog in the class) and honestly one of the best/most natural hunting dogs in any of the classes. Even better than most of the dogs that have had previous training. The trainers kept complimenting Griffey on his natural abilities to point, be steady on wing, track/trail, honor, and quarter. I was also told multiple time that Griffey is one of the birdiest dogs they had ever seen. This dog was definitely bred to be a hunting machine and his instincts are incredible. With a little work and proper training this dog could easily hunt with the best of them and I plan on testing his skills in field trials some day. When training time comes he is very focused, listens well, and his nose is always to the ground. He also loves to retrieve things, but isn't quite retrieving to hand yet.
Along with the amazing hunting abilities Griffey is also a great family dog. He has never had any accidents in the house, was very easily trained, and is great with kids. He is high strung at times with tons of energy and is very eager to run, play, and hunt. The attention span can also be small at times, especially when there are birds around, but that is what he was bred for so I can accept that. By giving Griffey the proper attention and training he has become all I could ever ask for in a hunting dog/companion. It was a pleasure doing business Mark as he was great at communicating all aspects of the dogs, demonstrating the dogs abilities, and breading a HEALTHY litter of pups and I would recommend him and his dogs anyone looking for a quality pup. Thanks again Mark.
Submitted by: Terry Oehler on Jun 10, 2013
I bought a pup (AKA Rambo) from Mark in April of 2012. The first bird was a flush, the rest have been rock solid points. My buddies dog (a 10yo GSP) went on point the second time out, Rambo went on point from about 15 - 20yds away, not sure if he is an instinctive honorer. He works well in the field staying within 40yds moving side to side. He has a great personality and is very loving in our house. He loves to play fetch and fetches in the field. He is a ball of energy and does have some dominant traits with my female. I am very pleased with Rambo and would definitely recommend a dog out of this line.
Mark is easy to work with and reasonable. Some of the local breeders were asking $1000 or more for a pup with questionable breeding. It is worth the drive.
Submitted by: Steve Durante on May 13, 2013
We purchased a GSP from Fisher Creek a little over a year ago. She is everything we expected and more. She is very energetic and motivated when it comes to birds. She has been a great addition to our dog "family"
Steve and Charlene Durante
Submitted by: Jeff & Audra Uher on May 07, 2013
We came all the way from Indiana to purchase our first GSP, Greta from Mark last spring and we definitely made the right choice. There isn't as much bird hunting here, but she is a hunting machine just the same. My husband trained her himself after we saw that she was already pointing shortly after we brought her home. She, without a doubt, knows her job as soon as the guns come out. She also knows when our Yukon is full, the guns are loaded and she gets in, that we are heading back to Nebraska to hunt and her excitement exudes. She also fills many other shoes; she's my running partner, my 3 boys' baseball, tag,and wrestling partner and my husband and sons' hunting partner, and when we are done for the day, a great companion to all of us. There isn't anywhere we go that people don't comment that she is the most beautiful dog/GSP they have seen. Hands down, Mark's dogs are the best of all worlds and we would recommend him to anyone looking to buy a GSP and also sincerely thank him for ours.
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