Since 1995 Trystyn Welsh Springer Spaniels (Gregory K. Peter DVM & Sandra Holmes BS LVT) has been dedicated to producing healthy Welsh Springer Spaniels with proper temperaments, correct structure and the ability to hunt upland game birds. Although we do show our dogs and have been successful in this area with such wins as Best of Breed at American Spaniel Club, and four National Specialty Best in Sweepstakes wins we are now concentrating more on the Welsh Springer as a pet and hunting companion.
In order to help improve temperament, working ability and the health of our breed we have imported and bred litters using semen from dogs located in Sweden, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. In doing so we were the FIRST breeders to have a successful litter of Welsh Springer Spaniels using frozen semen in the USA.
Since Greg is a veterinarian and I am a veterinary technician you can be sure you are getting a healthy puppy that has been thoroughly checked out! We routinely do health checks such as OFA hip, elbow, thyroid testing, and CERF exams on all of our dogs including all of their offspring
Our dogs successfully hunt grouse every fall in the heavy brush and cover of both the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan. We also participate in AKC hunt tests with the most recent title of Senior Hunter going to our CH Trystyn's Aarikka SH "Josey". Josey is now being trained for the Master Hunter level and we hope to complete this title some time in 2013.
Trystyn Welsh Springers is a member of the Great Lakes American Water Spaniel Club.This club meets on a regular basis (monthly during the spring and summer) where our young dogs are introduced to birds and begin their training to become future hunting companions. At these events our older dogs continue to hone their skills as flushing spaniels and for successful runs at future hunt tests.
If you are interested in getting to know the Welsh Springer you are welcome to come visit us and meet our dogs. We also plan to attend the 2013 AKC hunt tests held at Colonial Farms in Chelsea, MI where you can see our dogs work in the field.