Submitted by: Mark Richardson on May 29, 2024
Mike I wanted to thank u for your service and to the Llewellyn u have truly kept this breed going I have hunted quail all my life under different dogs even good setters but u have got it my jack dog that I got from u a year ago is a natural and beautiful he is chestnut belton and absolutely beautiful he jumps up at night when I bring him in and watch television on my lap what more could u ask thank u Mike and all that u do
Submitted by: Russ Haynes on Jun 12, 2019
Max is almost 20 months old now. This dog wants to hunt all day and you can see he is all muscle. The weather was cool yesterday morning so we took him for his last hunt for the season. Can’t complain about holding his points. Still amazing to watch him circle around running birds.
Hope you guys have a great spring and summer. If we are traveling through Kentucky, we would love to stop by to say hello.
Russ Haynes
Submitted by: Kelly Singleton on Jun 12, 2019
I wanted to write a quick note to say thank you for providing such wonderful dogs. Today is the one year anniversary of picking up my dog Horatio from SeaTac airport.
He got to hunt a little towards the end of the season and he pointed all on his own.
He is also an extremely handsome dog as the picture shows.
Thanks again and God Bless,
Kelly Singleton
Submitted by: Michelle Peterson on Aug 12, 2017
Our pup is just 23 months old now. He put up birds at 8 months and again this last Fall at only 20 months! He's amazing in the field or wooded areas, and just as important he's a wonderful indoor pet. Very smart, all he wants to do is please us. Get's along so well with our 2 cats and all of our friends dogs and/or cats. A good natured very intelligent guy. We love him!
Submitted by: John Cox on Aug 12, 2017
I just wanted to say how much I love our little girl. She is now three and the best hunting partner I have ever had. With no formal training she does an outstanding job on finding and holding grouse and woodcock.
Submitted by: Diane Borne Schroer on Aug 12, 2017
Love this puppy! He's sweet and smart! Can't wait to see how he hunts.
Submitted by: Angie Warren Holloman on Aug 12, 2017
We drove 10 hrs to pick up our new dog from Mountain view kennels after sending the deposit six months ago and 9th on the waiting list at that time. She is... beautiful and we have already bonded on this long ride home. She is 7 weeks old and has slept the majority of the way home. Very nice and a VERY knowledgeable breeder!
Submitted by: Hoyt Rorrer on Jan 19, 2017
I wanted to shoot you a email along with some pictures of the little female we got from you. She is just a few days shy of a year old and doing great. She loves to go hunting and loves to do her job. I can not say enough good about her and your program. I have 2 friends that I have recommended buy a puppy from you and they are both happy with their puppies as well. I hope you have had a great holiday season and I hope to see you soon.
God bless and take care buddy.
Submitted by: Bobby Cassady on Jan 19, 2017
When I first heard of your training method when I picked up my dog, I was a bit apprehensive, but I can say that it TRULY works like clockwork! It's become irritating to me to hunt with some guys that have to "force" train their dogs, because the entire hunt all I get to hear is "WHOA". It speaks volumes for your breeding program and all the work you've put in.
I am going to go ahead and drop $100 in the mail as a deposit for a male in your upcoming litters, but I would very much like to purchase one of your started dogs when they become available in a couple weeks. If I end up going that route, I am assuming it will be okay to put the $100 towards the started dog purchase price.
I will monitor the website for the started males and be looking for photos. If you are ever up in Georgetown, KY I have almost 100 acres of prime bird habitat stocked with early release quail. I would be honored for you to drop by and see my dog work and hunt with us any time.
Submitted by: Carl Gentry on Jan 19, 2017
Having the time of my life with Lou this season! What an amazing transformation she has had!
This past Saturday we were training at a local WMA and she was making some beautiful points. You'll see one of my favorite pictures attached.
After shooting one of the quail, it was still alive so my son pulled the head off and threw it in the middle of the field. We then took Lou back to the truck for water and a little rest. While that was going on I took my new little pup into the field to let him run, sniff, and do all the things new pups do. Halfway across the field I notice he's no longer in front of me, so I turn around, and to my surprise, he's pointing the quail head! What are the changes that he would find it? Before I could get a picture, he realized it wasn't alive so he grabbed it and ate it.
I can hardly wait to begin training with him next season. These two together will be a beautiful sight!
God is good! Bless you my brother!
Carl L. Gentry, Jr., MSgt, USAF, Retired
Ridgeland High School
Aerospace Science Instructor / Riflery Coach
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