Oakleaf Labs - Kansas Labrador Retriever, Portuguese Water Dog, Standard Poodle Breeders
About Oakleaf Labs
Oakleaf Labs are breeding all colors of hunting labs. These dogs come from a long line of Pointing Labradors. Raising labs for 30 years. We raised Chocolate Labs for years but after the lose of our male Lab several years ago we waited until we had the time to devote back to breeding again. We purchased two females from Lankas Labs 9 years ago and have been producing some great litters since. These pointing Labs come in every color depending on the litter. We have Silver, Charcoal, Chocolate, White, Yellow, and Black females at this time. All come from known Pointing labs genetics. It is exciting to be doing what we love. We have just recently moved to south east Kansas near Fort Scott. We are close to Overland Park or Joplin, MO, Wichita, Tulsa and meet or deliver pups. We are back and forth to Colorado and have been delivering Charcoal and Silver dogs there as well. It depends on the litter. This will be a great move to not only hunt upland birds but ducks and geese. Depending on how far I can deliver or meet part way.
We also have bred some Labradoodles and will begin breeding Portuguese Water Dog in 2019. We have our Male PWD at an upland bird trainer so excited he is doing great. Next Duck dog training. Not only are they retrievers they are great family dogs. Cant wait to see where this takes us.
Hunting Dog Breeds Raised
Labrador Retriever, Portuguese Water Dog, Standard Poodle
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