QUALITY QUAIL HUNTING PRESERVE AND KENNELS - Georgia English Pointer, English Setter Breeders
Kennels of Quality Quail have English Pointers and Setters from the Elhew
and Tekoa bloodlines. We strive for straight tails and strong noses. We only
breed hand selected, all natural males and females. So, if a puppy or dog is
what you're looking for, or to see our dogs hard at work, visit us at Quality
Quail.net and book that special family or business hunting trip of a lifetime.
Hunting Dog Breeds Raised
English Pointer, English Setter
Breeder Contact Info
Testimonials (5)
Submitted by: Bengi Price on Dec 12, 2008
Quaility Quail Preserve is top notch with hard flying birds and supper birddogs.Mike and Pam are great friends and work hard to make the best of every hunt for customers.I have a few dogs from Mike and I am completely satisfied with thier performance.Hunting at Quaility Quail is always
a Great day.
Submitted by: KEVIN AUSTIN on Nov 01, 2008
We were well pleased with the dog's performance at Mike's place. The birds flew good, the friendships are always great, the work of the dogs always outstanding, and overall a great place to enjoy a fun-filled day of bird hunting.
Submitted by: Tracy Thrasher on Jun 22, 2008
I have been a friend of Mike's for years. Throughout the years we have traded,trained,and hunted many dogs together. Experiences with Mike and his dogs has never been a let down! Watching him and his dogs work on the preserve still amazes me and he is always honest about a dog good or bad.
Submitted by: richard dodd on Jun 15, 2008
I have hunted over Quality Quail dogs for years now, and have "never" been disappointed in the dogs or the hunt! I have one of Mike's setter pup's myself and with help of his training,she is turning out to be great dog.
Submitted by: Jimmy Asher Jr on May 22, 2008
I have hunted over his dogs for several years now and have been very pleased with their performance and stamina.
Jimmy Asher
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